Chapter 14: Who's at the Door?

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‘Coming.’  Sophie jogged to the door but as soon as she saw who was at the door she stopped right in front of the door, with Louis really confused to her left.

‘What do you want, Nick’ Sophie asked him

‘I want you and we’re going come one’ Nick took Sophie’s arm but pulled away.

‘I’m not going anywhere with you’ Sophie spat back at Nick.

‘Wait this is your ex-boyfriend?’ Louis asked a little confused.

‘Yes Louis, Nick just go away were not together anymore and you shouldn’t be near me because of the restraining order’

‘You must not have read all of it unlike me, the restraining order only works in Australia not England’


‘That’s right now come on, WE ARE LEAVING NOW!’ Nick did not sound at all happy any more.

‘I told you I’m not going with you and I already have someone else in my life’ Sophie said

‘Who is this someone then, I bet your lying to me just like you always do’ Nick spat.

‘No I NEVER lie, I say nothing but the truth and I don’t have to tell you who it is’ Sophie said standing up for herself.

‘Ha, so you’re not seeing anyone are you’ Nick said having a little laugh

‘NO, she is seeing me’ Louis stood in standing up for Sophie. Louis put his arm around her waist and looked down at her but Sophie didn’t seem so happy about it she looked terrified.

‘WAIT, YOU’RE SAYING THAT YOU PREFER THIS UGLY LOSER OVER ME.’ Nick screamed and Soph hid her face into Louis’ shoulder.

‘Yeah I am, because at least he appreciates me and thinks about my feelings and he...he.....he LOVES ME!’ Sophie counted.

Nick stood there in shock for about 3 seconds before he pulled his arm back and punched Louis in the face.

‘WHAT THE FUCK NICK!’ Sophie yelled.  You could here in the background Alice running to the front door. When Alice came to the door she saw Sophie getting the blood off of Louis face and Nick was gone, it was almost like he was never there but he was because of the blood on the floor, on Louis’ face and all of over Sophie’s arm.

Sophie grab Louis’ arm and ran to the bathroom where she cleaned Louis up. You could hear all the steps that the boys and Alice coming to the bathroom.

‘What happened?’ Niall said sitting next to Louis

‘Well, umm the person at the door was Nick, my ex-boyfriend and umm well he punched Louis because well you can understand right’ Sophie explained

‘Yeah we understand, but how do you know how to clean Louis up?’ Zayn asked

‘Well, I took at first aid course well I was in school and they told me all sorts of things and I always bring my first aid kit everywhere I go’ Sophie explained still cleaning Louis up and never taking his eye off him.

‘Well you will come in hand then Sophie’ Liam said with a little cheeky smile on his face.

‘I also have something to tell you guys and it’s not really good’ Sophie said

‘What is it?’ Harry questioned.

‘Well, unfortunately this is not the last time we will see him’ Sophie said in a very worried tone.

‘What do you mean this is not the last time we will see him?’ Niall said

‘Well he knows where we live now’ Alice said

‘Exactly, he could follow us everywhere’ Sophie added

‘Well I’m not going to let that happen’ Louis said

‘Stop moving! I’m almost finished,’ Sophie said ‘There now run along all of you I have to talk to Alice.’ The boys walked off and Sophie sat on the edge of the bath.

‘Alice what am I going to do, Louis told Nick that we are dating’ Sophie said putting her head in her hands.

‘Honestly babe, I don’t know what we are going to do’

‘But you’re smart you must know, you always have a plan’

‘Sorry babe this time I don’t have a clue’

‘That’s okay. Do you think the boys will ask any questions on what just happened?’

‘Well why don’t we just go and see’ Alice help Sophie up from the edge of the bath and they walked into the kitchen were Niall, Zayn and Louis were all sitting on chairs and Liam and Harry were standing up. All of them had confused and worried looks when the girls walked into the kitchen.

‘Sophie can you please tell us any more one what is going on’ Zayn asked

‘Umm... well... I...I... honestly have no idea what to tell you any more I barely can think about what he might do, and I told you that you should stay out of it, look what he has done Louis was bleeding for god sakes’

‘Yeah well I’m not now, am I’ Louis added

‘Yes but you don’t know him like I do, I was the one that went out with him remember, you should have just listened to me and stayed out of it.’

‘Yes but we can’t just not help you when something like this is happening to you Sophie’

‘LOUIS, please this is not helping HE knows where, I live where you live, where all of us live and he is going to keep doing this until I go back to Australia with him and you know I don’t want to leave and if I was to ever leave it defiantly wouldn’t be with HIM’ Sophie was starting to get a little angry.

‘Calm your tits’ said Harry.

‘Don’t tell me what to do!’ With that Sophie stormed off to her room.

‘Who wants breakfast?’ Niall said trying to break the tension.

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