Chapter 10: Truth or Dare???

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Authors Note:

Thanks so much for getting us 300 reads :D i hope you all love the story ( like us) We also have a new twitter account just for the fanfic it's @AliceandSophie1 and also our personal twitters are @alicem1529 and @Sophie_Olson . We would love if you left comments/questions for us and please vote :)

Lots Of Love,

                        Alice and Sophie :) xx


‘Liam where is Alice and Harry?’ Zayn asked drunkenly. They had been gone for nearly an hour and they had only just realised that they were missing.

‘Alice got a drink spilt on her so she and Harry went home.’ Liam slowly explained it to him.

‘Li Li I’m tired can we go?’ Sophie asked while holding Louie’s hand.

‘Naww such a cute couple.’ Liam thought.

‘Liam, can we please go?’ Sophie asked again.

‘Yeah of course, sorry I was day dreaming, let’s go.’ Liam said quickly standing up. He made sure that everyone got to the car safely as they drove home. When they arrived Liam opened the front door to see Alice and Harry eating popcorn together.

‘Hey Liam.’ Alice waved and jumped up and came to the door. Soph, Lou, Zayn and Niall slowly stumbled out of the car and walked inside.

‘Hi ya Alice, have fun with Harry?’ Sophie joked and winked at her. Alice and Harry glared at Sophie and Louis who were in stiches.

‘Hey guys how about we play truth or dare?’ Zayn suggested as he sat on the floor and pulled Niall down with him.

‘YES!’ Sophie and Louie screamed together. Everyone joined Zayn and Niall in the circle as they began the game.

‘Okay who’s first?’ Harry asked.

‘Niall can, Niall truth or dare?’ Liam asked him smiling cheekily at him.

‘Ummm, dare.’ Niall said as he grinned back at everyone.

‘Alright hold on, I’ll be right back.’ Liam said as he stood up and walked over to the kitchen and started to put random things into a sandwich. Liam came back with it and handed it to Niall.

‘I dare you to eat this.’ Liam said and Niall smiled like it was a piece of cake. Niall took a bit of the sandwich and chewed slowly. He smiled then his face turned bright red and Niall jumped up and ran towards the bathroom screaming. Everyone was laughing their heads off.

Li-Liam wh-what did you pu-put in th-that san-sandwich?’ Louie said while laughing.

‘Everything that he usually has in a sandwich but with extra spicy chilli sauce.’ Liam told them causing everyone to laugh again. Niall walked back into the room and grumpily sat down again.

‘Alright back to the game, Zayn truth or dare?’ Niall asked still sulking.

‘Dare.’ Zayn said confidently.

‘Let me style your hair.’ Niall said with the gleam of revenge in his eyes.

‘NO!’ Zayn yelled but it was too late because Harry and Louis already had him pinned to the ground. Zayn struggled for a while but stopped after a while knowing it was no use. Niall styled his hair and once his was done he sat back in his spot so everyone could see Zayn. Zayn’s hair was now jelled down and parted down the middle.  Everyone roared with laughter and Zayn sat there sulking even more than Niall had.

‘Liam’s turn now, truth or dare?’ Zayn asked.

‘I’m going to be smart and say truth.’ Liam said and stared into Zayn’s brown eyes trying to read what he was thinking.

‘Why are you afraid of spoons?’ Zayn asked him curiously.

‘Have you seen how evil they are?’ Liam told him and everyone quietly chuckled at Liam’s answer.

‘Alright Lou, it’s your turn.’ Alice said and she smiled evilly.

‘Bring it on.’ Lou smiled evilly back at her.

‘Truth or dare?’ Alice asked still keeping eye contact with him.

‘Dare.’ Louis said calmly.

‘I dare you to lick Harry’s foot.’ Alice said and Niall started laughing while everyone else ‘ewwwed’.

‘Easy.’ Louie said and grabbed Harry’s foot and licked it. Everyone watch with eyes wide open.

‘Yummy, your foot taste nice Harold.’ Louie said smirking at Alice.

‘Soph’s turn now.’ Lou said and smiled at her.

‘I’ll go truth thanks knowing your dares.’ Sophie said.

‘Alright, do you have a boyfriend?’ Lou asked and Sophie looked to the ground.

‘Ummm, it’s complicated.’ Sophie said, still staring at the ground.

‘Hold on what?’ Louis said looking very confused.

‘Just drop it Lou.’ Alice said sternly. Louie looked at Alice with a confused look on his face but he didn’t say anything else.

‘ALICE’S TURN!’ Sophie yelled trying to forget what happened.

‘Uhhh, you know I really hate this game.’ Alice whined.

‘I know and that’s why I love it, now stop complaining and pick, truth or dare, oh and Alice you know what question I’ll ask if you pick truth.’ Sophie said smiling like the Cheshire cat out of Alice in Wonderland.

‘Ehhh I’m going to regret this but dare.’ Alice nervously said.

‘I dare you to kiss Hazza!’ Soph exclaimed and everyone started laughing.

‘NO WAY!’ Alice yelled, causing everyone to laugh more.

‘Just stop complaining and kiss me.’ Harry chuckled as he leaned forward and pressed his soft lips on hers. Everyone ‘Awwwed’ in the background as they kissed, they broke the kiss and both blushed as Louis and Sophie made kissy faces at them. Harry and Alice awkwardly glanced at each other as the others continued the game.

‘I’m really tired; I think I’m going to go to bed.’ Alice stood up and yawned, Harry stood up too.

‘Yeah same here.’ Harry said yawning as well.

‘Night guys.’ Everyone else called as Alice and Harry walked to the kitchen.

‘I’m sorry about your dress.’ Harry said once they were out of hearing range of everyone else.

‘Don’t worry about it.’ Alice blushed as she filled up her drink bottle for bed.

‘Would you like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?’ Harry asked quickly.

‘ALICE, ARE YOU COMING TO BED?’ Sophie yelled from the other room.

‘HARRY I EXPECT YOU IN MY BED IN FIVE!’ Louie yelled and everyone cracked up laughing.

‘So will you?’ Harry asked again.

‘Yeah sure, sounds like a date.’ Alice said and kissed him on the cheek as she skipped out of the room and grabbed Sophie’s hand.

‘Night boys.’ Sophie drunkenly waved to them as she walked off to bed, to see Alice with a big cheesy smile on her face.

‘What’s with the smile Alice?’ Sophie asked as she got into bed.

‘I’ll tell you tomorrow.’ Alice said as she turned off the light as they both drifted into a deep sleep.

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