Chapter 4: Distractions

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The next morning Louis woke up early and made himself some brekkie, bacon and eggs with carrots on the side and a cup of tea. YUM! He sat down to eat his breakfast when Sophie woke up.

'Morning Soph.' Louis said smiling.

'Morning Lou.' Sophie said while yawning.

'I was thinking if you wanted to do something today with me?' Louis asks, setting his plans into action.

'Sounds good but what about the other boys?' Sophie wondered.

'They all have plans and left me out.' Louis said pouting his lip.

'Alright, just you and me then.' Sophie said and then quickly stole one of Louis' carrots.

'NOT THE CARROT!' Louis yelled then started chasing Sophie around the house and tickling her.

'Lou pll-eee-asss-ee s-ttt-oo-pp I can't br-eee-aa -ttthhheee .' Sophie stuttered while giggling.

'Serves you right for eating my carrot.' Louis stood up and strutted back to the kitchen.

'Louis are you bashing Sophie up again?' Liam asked.

'But she stole my carrot!' Louis whined.

'Hahaha, good job Soph.' Liam said while laughing.

'So what are you boys all doing today and leaving poor Lou out?' Sophie asked. Liam was confused at first but then remembered the plan.

'Just stuff, you know and I think Lou just wanted you to himself.' Liam teased.

'Is that true Mr Tomlinson?' Sophie giggled, Lou's face went bright red and he hit Liam in the stomach.

'Nah, I have no clue what Liam's talking about, lies I say all lies.' Louis joined in and started laughing too. Eventually all the other boys woke up too, except Harry. When Harry finally arrived he whispered into Lou's ear 'I booked her a first class ticket that will arrive tomorrow at 6 am.'

'Soph go and have a shower so we can go.' Louis said turning to face Soph.

'Alright I'll be 15 minutes.' Sophie shouted down the hall as she ran to the bathroom.

'Zayn, sneak into her room and grab her phone.' Louis instructed.

'Be back in a minute.' Zayn whispered back and did a commando roll down the hall. Zayn slowly opened the door and quietly tip toed to Sophie's bedside table where her phone was on the charger. Zayn quickly unplugged it and ran back to the boys.

'I got it.' Zayn held the phone over his head and the boys all cheered.

'Pass it here Zayn.' Harry said taking the phone and unlocking it.

'Shit, it has a passcode.' Harry said.

'If I were Sophie what would my passcode be?' Louis thought out loud then it finally clicked.

'Try 15 23.' Louis suggested and it worked.

'I'm in, how did you know.' Harry asked.

'Just a lucky guess.' Louis replied.

'Sure sure.' Niall mumbled.

'Okay I got her number, okay I'm calling now.' Harry whispered.

'Put it on loud speaker.' Liam suggested and Harry did so.



'Hello?' a girl answered.

'Hi.' all the boy said at the same time.

'Umm who is this?' The girl asked.

'Oh whoops I forgot, I'm Louis Tomlinson from One Direction, I'm Sophie's friend.'

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