Chapter 20: Just Leave

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Authors Note:

hey guys just like we promised we have a quick chapter upload :) please no hate after this chapter because i know you will hate us for this ;) (It was Alice's idea)

PLEASE, i repeat PLEASE vote, comment and fan :) we are not sure if anyone likes the story and if you vote and comment we will be reasured :D

(we apoligse in advance for the swearing)

love you guys,

Alice and Sophie :) xx

PS: hopefully the slideshow of us works on the side -> now you all know what we look like :D YAY (if it doesn't work look at our message board and it'll be there :) xx )


Alice’s P.O.V.

I hanged up the phone call with Soph and Lou and laid next to Harry and Lux who were playing hide and seek.

‘Where’s Lux gone?’ Harry asked in a baby voice as Lux giggled and covered her eyes. I internally laughed at the two of them. I watched the two of them play for a while until Anne called us downstairs. I slowly walked to the kitchen where everyone was.

‘Robin and I are going out to dinner with friends and Gem’s sleeping at her friend’s place so you three will properly have to go to the supermarket to get some food for dinner.’ Anne told us as she kissed our cheeks and said good-bye as they left.

‘Finally, the house to ourselves without my embarrassing family around.’ Harry celebrated doing a little dance.

‘Your family is wonderful.’ I stuck up for them.

‘My Mum keeps hovering over us and my sister has already planned our wedding.’ Harry scoffed.

‘It’s just because they care.’

‘Yeah, yeah. Alright besides that what are we having for dinner?’ Harry asked as his stomach growled.

‘Well I think Lux is asleep so one of us will go to the supermarket and the other will stay.’

‘Well how about you go to the supermarket and I’ll stay since we don’t want the press here.’ Harry suggested and I nodded in agreement.

‘Alright I’ll be back in a bit.’ I kissed him quickly as I took his car key and made my way to the supermarket.

Once finally there I took a trolley and began grabbing everything I needed to make fried rice, my favourite. I was just about done when I saw heaps of paparazzi show up.




The press yelled questions out at me as I pushed my way to the car. To be honest I was quite scared. I don’t like this lifestyle of the press watching my every step. I drove home as fast as I could and dashed inside. I pulled out my phone and opened my Twitter for the first time in a few weeks. I had over 15,000 new followers and my mentions were blowing up. I scrolled through my timeline and read some tweets.

(Made up Twitter names)

@liams…FLICK: U are so ugly and u don’t deserve to be my Harry’s girlfriend! GO DIE!!!!

@katy<3styl3s: stay away from Harry u fat, ugly bitch.

@terrrrrrence Bitches: How can someone like Harry ever love a fat, ugly whore like you?? He must pity u.

The comments hurt…a lot. I felt like all the anger I had bottled up had finally exploded and was now running free a million miles an hour. I was angry about the hate, I was angry at the press and most of all I was angry at Harry for not caring or even trying to protect me from it. I sobbed on the couch until I heard Harry walk into the room.

‘Babe what’s wrong?’ he asked sounding concerned.

‘I don’t think I can do it anymore Harry.’ I cried.

‘What do you mean?’

‘I can’t live like this.’

Harry insatiately got defensive, ‘FINE THEN JUST LEAVE!’ he screamed as he stormed upstairs.

‘FINE I WILL.’ I screamed back at him.

‘GOOD AND DON’T COME BACK.’ I ran outside and screamed. I cried as I found myself walking down the cold streets of Holmes Chapel and ending up at a park. I sat on the swing as my phone buzzed and began to ring in my pocket. It was Soph.

I answered the call, ‘Hey Cheeky-Chap, I hope we’re not interrupting anything.’ Sophie and Lou giggled into the phone.

‘Soph, Harry and I got into a fight and he told me to leave. I have no money; can you and Lou come and pick me up?’ I sniffed back tears.

‘WHAT AN ARSEWHOLE!’ Soph screamed.

‘Oi that’s my best friend but that’s pretty low.’ Louis said solemnly.

‘Babe I would pick you up in a heartbeat but we can’t cos we are babysitting Louis’s sisters.’ Sophie explained.

‘it’s fine I’ll call Zayn.’ I cried and hanged up the phone. I wiped my eyes as I called Zayn.



‘Vas ‘appening Ally?’ Zayn answered cheerfully.

‘Zayn I know this is a big ask but can you please drive to Holmes Chapel and come pick me up?’

‘Of course babe I’m getting in the car now but what happened?’ Zayn’s cheerful tone had now been replaced with a concerned one.

‘Long story short Harry and I got in a fight and he told me to leave.’ I sobbed.

‘Alright babe I’m on my way, I’ll see you soon.’

‘Thanks Zayn.’



told you, you would hate us ;)  VOTE COMMENT FAN :) xx

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