Chapter 13: Big Girl

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Authors Note:

Thank you guys SO much for reading our story and getting us over 1000 reads :D We absolutely love the comments and we love to hear you ideas and thoughts on the story :) follow us on twitter to find out when we are updating @AliceandSophie1 or our personal @Sophie_Olson and @alicem1529

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lots of love,

                   Alice and Sophie :) xx

‘Well he wasn’t very nice so she broke things off with him but he didn’t take it very well and started sending abusive texts and emails so Soph told the police and got a restraining order on him but since she has moved her with you guy he has seemed to have followed her to London and has threatened to hurt her and you guys, you guys need to understand that he is trouble and you can’t get involved, okay?’ Alice explained the whole situation.

‘Wait so you expect us just to sit here and pretend like nothing is happening while our friend is getting hurt by this asshole.’ Louis bellowed.

‘Mate don’t scream at Alice, it’s no t her fault.’ Harry hissed at Louis.

‘I’m sorry Alice I’m just worried.’ Lou apologised and sat back down.

‘It’s okay Lou, I’m scared too.’ Alice chocked back a tear as Harry wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a hug.

‘Everything will be fine.’ Harry whispered into Alice’s ear.

‘Well I’m going to call Paul and tell him the situation.’ Liam said calmly as he walked outside, phone in hand.

‘I’m going to bed.’ Niall yawed as he stood up and stretched.

‘Me too.’ Zayn said joining Niall as they walked tiredly down the hall to their room.

‘I’m going to check on Soph.’ Louis whispered as he slowly walked to Alice and Sophie’s room. He quietly opened the door to find Sophie tossing and turning as she slept. Lou creped over to her bedside and kissed her forehead, Sophie became calmer as she drifted off into a more comfortable sleep. Louis started quietly humming Save You Tonight as Sophie became sleepier and sleepier. Louis laid down next to her as the both gently fell asleep.

Meanwhile Alice and Harry were quietly talking in the lounge room.

‘Haz I’m scared.’ Alice whispered as she dug her head closer to his chest as he put his arm around her shoulder.

‘Don’t be, just pretend this didn’t happen and we came home from our amazing date and everything was perfect.’

‘I wish it was that easy to forget.’ Alice yawned as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

‘Just fall asleep and forget we can worry about it tomorrow.’ Harry whispered into her hair. Alice reluctantly closed her eyes and fell asleep. Harry lifted her up bridal style and took her down to her room where he found Sophie and Louis contently sleeping together.

‘She can sleep in my bed.’ Harry thought and took Alice and laid her softly on his bed. Harry noticed how child like everyone looked as they slept.

------------------------------------------ NEXT MORNING ----------------------------------------------

“Morning beautiful” Sophie woke up to the sound of Louis greeting her.

‘What, what are you doing in here, Where’s Alice?’ Sophie said really quickly.

‘I don’t know I just woke up and was watching you sleep’

‘Okay, better see where she is or she might be breaking the no sex rule, she never listens to me.’ Sophie got up and walked out the door.

How is she in such a good mode after what happened last night?’Louis thought to himself.

‘Oi, ALICE, GET UP!!!’ Sophie yelled out the front of Harry’s door.

‘WOAH, could you be any louder Sophie?’ Harry said not in a very happy voice.

‘Yes, but that’s not the point Styles, did you break my rule?’

‘No, we didn’t, I went to put Alice to bed, but Louis and you were a sleep, so I thought she could sleep with me’ Harry explained.

‘Fine, but just remember I’m always watching’ Sophie said and walked into the kitchen followed by Alice and Harry.

‘How you feeling?’ Liam asked looking at Sophie.

‘What do you mean?’ Sophie asked a little confused.

‘Look, Alice explained everything that’s happened with the person on the phone. Why didn’t you tell us earlier Sophie, we could’ve solved this earlier?’ Liam said and Sophie just didn’t say anything she just stood there looking at Alice.

‘Why would you do that Alice?’ Sophie asked

‘Sophie they needed to know, you can’t hide something like this from them’

‘I know but I can fix this, just like I always do.’

‘This is something that you need our help with you can’t do this by yourself’

‘Alice I’m a big girl now, I can do this’

‘I’m sorry Sophie but, what’s done is done and we are helping now’ Louis interrupted.

‘Fine but, when I’m on the phone you can’t say one word.’ Sophie said staring all the boys and Alice down.


‘I’ll get it’ Louis shouted as he ran to get the door.

‘Yeah you do that Louis’ Sophie said with a bit of attitude.

‘Hello, does a Sophie live here?’ the man at the door asked.

‘Umm, yeah.... SOPHIE SOMEONES AT THE DOOR FOR YOU’ Louis shouted.

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