Chapter 31: Sleepless Nights

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Authors note:

YAY another chapter :) just like we promised :) 

please vote, fan and comments xxx

for the next chapter we need 15 votes, 2 new fans and 5 comments ;) WE KNOW YOU GUYS CAN DO IT :)!!!!!!!!!

also please answer this question in the comments..... 'What has been your favourite part of the story so far and what would you like to see happen next in the story?'

Please try and answer ^

Ps: this chapter is dedcated to my Kiwi twin Maddie :) go read her new story xx

Pps: i have decided best comment will get a dedication and a shoutout on the next chapter xxx

love you all

Alice and Sophie :)xx

P.S. The video on the side link is me (sophie) and alice fail dancing  Hope you like it :)


Alice’s P.O.V

They were chasing me as I ran as fast as I could.

room and landed softly on my bed. A few seconds later I was already snoring.

 ‘Harry help me.’ I pleaded with him. He turned his back towards me and started walking away, leaving me behind.




I screamed as I woke from my nightmare. My head pounded as I sat up in my bed. HOLD ON! How did I get to my bed? Ohh that’s right, Harry and Lou picked us up from the police station and I fell asleep in the car.

I looked around the pitch black room. My alarm clock that I never used brightly shone the time. 3:38am. I pulled the blanket that was tightly wrapped around my body off me and slowly stumbled my way out to the lounge room. I knew there was no way I was getting back to sleep on my own since that dream so I snuck into the one room that I knew wouldn’t mind having me, Harry’s.

I sneaked my way down the hall quietly so I didn’t wake up the other lads. The floor boards creaked and groaned as I tip-toed my way into Harry’s messy room. I opened the door and the curly haired boy laid there peacefully sleeping. I creped over to his bed and nudged him to one side so I could get in.

‘Hey what are you doing in here?’ Harry asked sleepily. His strong arms then wrapped around my waist making all the bad dreams go away.

‘I couldn’t sleep.’ I lied, sparing him the story of my nightmare.

‘Okay baby.’ He murmured, breathing on my neck. 

‘Hey I know we have both been pissed off at each other lately but I just want you to know I really do love you Styles.’ I softly whispered.


Lux is awake.

‘I’ll get her babe.’ I said as I stood and walked over to her cot that was set up in the corner.

‘Shhh it’s alright pretty baby.’ I cooed her until she was calm. I walked back to Harry’s bed and placed her in between the two of us. Harry was softly whispering things into Lux’s ears, making her giggle.

‘You’re going to be a great Dad one day.’ I said out loud. Harry looked right into my eyes before he said, ‘Not as great as its Mum,’ then kissed me softly as I blushed.

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