Chapter 53: Did You Think Your Whole Life Would Change?

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Sophie’s POV

I followed Louis to my bedroom. Ahh why can’t he not fuss about all this stuff. Honestly I have a lot of things on my mind right now. How am I supposed to go on opening act for the lads if I’m pregnant. Far out brussel sprout! I walked into my room, only to remember that I had posters and photos and many memories in there. I found Louis lying on my bed looking at the walls in my room. I went over and sat on the edge of the bed.

‘You okay Lou?’ I asked him in a soft voice.

‘Yeah I’m fine’ he responded.

‘No you’re not, “I’m fine” is the biggest lie ever, so tell me, what’s wrong?’ I asked moving around to look at him better.

‘It’s not a big deal’

‘If it wasn’t a big deal then you would be able to tell me, now wouldn’t you?’

‘Yes’ he muted.

‘Okay then tell me’

‘Did you ever think about, being you know, pregnant at this age?’ he asked me.

‘Where are you going with this?’ I questioned him.

‘Just hear me out. You’re eighteen and I’m twenty-one. Did you ever really think that your whole life would change because of just one thing or person or baby, whatever you want to call it right now, would just change how you look at everything in life?’

I looked at him and with thoughts running through my mind. I hadn’t thought about it that way. I just thought more about how everything is going to change.

‘No, I haven’t thought about it that way’ we sat in silence before it was time to get out of here.

‘I’ll be out the kitchen if you want me’ I got up and left without another word. I sat on one of the chairs at the kitchen bench. I sighed in confusion. What am I doing with my life? Have a family at a young age or have a job be married then have kids.

‘You have a pretty sweet place here Sophie’ Niall said snapping me out of my thoughts.

‘Oh, thanks Niall’ his smile soon flipped to a worried face.

‘Are you alright love?’ he asked me with concern all over his face. In his eyes were the hardest place to look. I just quickly looked back down at my hands as I twiddled with my thumbs just one of my habits I have. ‘Sophie?’ he came and sat down next to me. He placed an arm around me and hugged me tightly. ‘Come on lets go out’ he whispered into my ear. I nodded and stayed quiet. He grabbed my hand and called out to everyone saying we were going out for a bit.

We drove for ages, Niall was a little lost. We kept pulling over and he would look at a map I think on his phone. On the other hand I knew where we were but I didn’t know where we were going. ‘Sophie?’ Niall asked looking over at me. I turned my head way from the window.

‘Yeah?’ I asked almost as a whisper. ‘Do you know where Northland is?’ he asked me. I know where it is but why does he want to go there. This was questioning everything. Just another thing that will be going crazy in my mind. There is already enough in my mind. ‘Yeah of course, you were so close to, just keep going straight till you see Northland to your left’ I said turning back to the window.  Once he found a car spot he parked and came around to my side of the car. I didn’t bother getting out. I didn’t want to go shopping or be in public for that matter.

He opened my door and put his arm out. I questioned in my mind for a few second whether I should go or not. I took his hand and he shut my door and locked the car. We walked past shops and up a set of stairs. I wasn’t concentrating. I was in my thoughts. Niall made sure of elbows were locked and he just kept looking at me. He didn’t say a word.  We turned the corner and my eyes lit up.

‘You’re joking right!’ I screamed with excitement. My eyes were wide. He didn’t just bring me to the place that has been on my bucket list for years. The place my whole family went to the weekend I stayed at a friend’s house.

‘Oh I did, I did promise you that I would you bring you here’ Niall said looking at me with a smile.

‘I’ll love you forever Niall, forever and ever’ I said raping my arms around his neck.

‘Anything for you’ he said rapping his arms around my waste.

I stood there for a second admiring the surroundings of....... PANCAKE PARLOR!!

Niall grabbed my hand and we skipped into the shop or restaurant or whatever sort of place it was. We were taken to our table by a young lady I would say she was about 18. I grabbed the menu and stared at all of it. So many words for such a little girl. I thought to myself.

‘So what do you think you are going to have?’ he asked me looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes. ‘I’m going to have this one’ I said pointing at the menu. It was three pancakes with a scope of ice-cream and maple syrup. ‘I think I’ll have the same’ he said smiling at me. 

The waitress came over and took our orders. She walked away into the kitchen I would say.

‘You checking her out were you?’ I asked him cheekily.

‘No’ he said defensively.

‘I saw you, don’t deny it’ I said playfully.

‘She’s fit okay?’ he said shrugging his shoulders. I giggled at him being his adorable self.

‘Okay, now that we are alone, Sophie will you tell me what’s wrong? It’s kind of killing me seeing you like this’ my face went serious and so did his. I didn’t know how to tell him. In fact I don’t know how I can tell anyone.

‘Well...’ I said looking down at the table. He reached over and grabbed my hand. I looked up at him giving me a concerned face. I can do it I have to tell him.

‘Okay Niall, please don’t freak out when I say it. It’s just.... I’m having second thoughts on this baby.’ He looked at me and gave me a weak smile.

‘I thought you were’ he spoke softly.

‘What do you mean?’ I questioned him. No one knows, I don’t understand how this works.

‘You have been quiet and you seem to be thinking a lot’ I looked down back at the table I felt like crying. Why? Because Niall knows me too well now. Our pancakes came and they were really good. The waitress came back and took our plates when we were done. We sat there. No words but quiet. Nothing was said, till Niall sat up and looked me dead in the eye.

‘I love you Sophie’

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