Chapter 12: First Date

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Authors Note:

WENT TO ONE DIRECTION'S CONCERT IN MELBOURNE!!!!!!! It was amaZAYN, briLIAM, extrodanHARRY, fabLOUIS and phenomiNIALL!!!!! and also we dressed up as fairies and went to the airport and Niall looked at us, full on looked at u!!! *le dead*

Hope you all enjoy and thanks for the lovely comments and a HUGE thanks to @AllTimeHustler for dedicating your chapter to us :D we fangirled a lot.

Lots of love,

Alice and Soph :) xx


'I know they're up to something.' Alice and Sophie slowly opened the door and crept into the lounge room. Out of the corner of her eye Sophie saw the boys hiding behind the couch. Sophie nudged Alice and pointed in boy's direction.

'Hey Alice since we can't seem to find the boys do you want to eat all of Niall's food and Louis' carrots?' Sophie said loudly.

'Yeah and we can put spoons in Liam's room and use all of Zayn's hair products and put all of Harry's blazers in the pool.' Alice played along. The boys still stayed hidden, Alice and Sophie ran to the kitchen and that's when Niall quit.

'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Niall screamed running after the girls who were on the kitchen floor laughing hysterically. The other boys soon came into the kitchen afterwards.

'Don't eat my babies.' Louis whined as he cuddled his carrots and everyone laughed.

'What's for dinner tonight?' Niall asked as he rubbed his tummy.

'Well I'm taking Alice out for dinner, if she wants.' Harry said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

'Sounds like fun.' Alice smiled and kissed Harry on the cheek.

'Ewww guys keep the PDA (public display of affection) to a minimum.' Zayn complain and Alice kissed Harry again and then poked her tongue at Zayn.

'Well we can leave at 6:30 if that's alright with you.' Harry said and Alice jumped out of his arms and ran down the hall.

'Okay, SOPHIE BEDROOM NOW!' Alice yelled and Sophie ran down the hall after her.

'Hahaha those girls.' Liam sighed.

'Can't imagine life without them.' Zayn added. Liam's phone then began to buzz.

'It's management, shhhh.' Liam answered the phone.

' good.......alright talk to you soon.'

'What was that about?' Louis asked.

'Management have moved the Australia tour up, we will be there in 1 month and a bit.'

'AWESOME!' The boys cheered.

'Alright I'm going to get ready.' Harry bounced his way to his messy room.

'Naww young love.' Zayn grinned.

'So where are you going to take Sophie your date tomorrow?' Niall asked curiously.

'Properly out for dinner first and we'll see how that goes.' Louis blushed.

'Well I'm ordering fish and chips for us.' Niall slowly grabbed the phone and dialled the number for the fish and chips place and ordered for everyone.

'Well I'm going to check on the girls cos I wanna see what Ally is wearing.' Zayn said as he skipped towards their room and knocked on the door.

'GO AWAY, NO BOYS ALLOWED!' Sophie screamed and Alice giggled.

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