Chapter 21: Breakeven

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Authors Note:  


hope hope you are all having wonderful day or night :) 


like normal please vote,comment,fan :D 

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Cheeky Chap and Carrot Queen :) xx

ps: just so you all know this is who writes the following POV's

Alice- Alice, Harry, Zayn and Liam's

Sophie- Sophie, Louis and Niall's  


Harry's POV

I stomped my way upstairs and flung myself onto my bed.

'If she can't handle my lifestyle then she should just leave.' I thought angrily to myself. Pictures of Alice then flashed in my mind. Her smile, her lips, her dimples, her hair, her laugh, her body, her personality, her everything.

'Ahh Harry you are such a bloody idiot.' I paced up and down my room as I held my phone in my hand. I sat down and logged onto Twitter.


Alright now I feel like a jackass. All the hate she was getting was horrific. Everyone was telling her she was fat or ugly and even worse telling her to die. I have been a mega jackass and properly ruined the best relationship of my life.

I picked up my phone and dialled Alice's number. 



'Hello, sorry I couldn't take your call but I'll get back to you as soon as possible.' Her answering machine said. She wasn't picking up my calls. Yep I'm a mega jackass.

'If I was Alice what would I do?' I thought. Of course CALL SOPHIE! I dialled Louis's number knowing calling Soph would properly be dangerous right now.



'You fucking idiot.' Louis answered the phone.

'Hey Lou, nice to hear your voice too.' I said spreading sarcasm on thickly.

'Are you mentally ill or something, how could you do that to her when she was clearly upset?'

'I know it was stupid and I'm trying but she won't pick up my calls. Do you know where she is?'

'I wouldn't answer your calls either and it's properly too late now, she called Zayn to come pick her up.' Louis told me.

'Thanks mate and if she calls you please tell her I'm sorry and I still love her.' I sniffed up a tear that threatened to run down my cheek.

'Will do and heads up you might not want to call Zayn at the moment.' Louis said nervously.

'Why?' I'm so confused at the moment.

'Let's just say he's not happy about Alice getting upset and if he sees you he may rip your head off.'

'Oh that's nice.' I gulped, Zayn is like Alice's big brother and now that she's hurt I'm in deep shit.

'Louis who's on the phone?' Someone said in the distance. I must be Soph. SHIT!

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