Chapter 60: The Specialist

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The Specialist
'No I'm not going in.' I cried. We just arrived and I was more determined than ever to make Harry drive me back home.
'Babe don't make such a big fuss about this.' He whined.
'I don't want to go through the disappointment again.' I whispered, staring down at the floor.
'Babe look at me,' he lifted my chin with his finger,' If the answer is still no the you and I will go out together and get hammered drunk then come home and see what happens after that.' He winked, putting his British charm into over-drive.
'Ehh fine.' I gave up. No point fighting a losing battle.
The automatic doors opened and as like yesterday I'm getting dragged through the doors. The totally white painted wall and smell of antiseptic made me feel sick and slightly woozy. I sat as Harry ordered everything to his liking. Most likely getting the best doctor in the clinic to see me straight away.
'Al we're going in.' Harry held my hand tightly until he found the right door. Inside was all your regular doctor's equipment and sitting at the desk was a middle aged lady smiling brightly at us.
'Hello everyone I'm Dr. Solomen, please come in.'
'Hi I'm Harry Styles and this is my girlfriend Alice.' Harry smiled kindly back as we both took a seat at her desk.
'Oh I know who you both are. My daughter absolute adores you both and never stops talking about you. She's here today but when she found out you both were my next patient I had to send her into my other room.' Just as Dr. Solomen said that you could hear a faint complain from the next room.
'You're welcome to bring her in so she can meet us if you like.' Harry offered and straight away the door flew open.
'OMG!' Harry and I both expected a teeny-bopper but instead a little girl who would have been about four ran up and jumped straight for Harry.
'Hi there.' I cooed. She was so adorable with her big brown eyes and brown curly hair.
'Hi Alwice.' She said brightly back.
'Hello I'm Harry what's your name?' Harry picked her up, sitting her on his lap so they could talk.
'My name is Abbie and I am fwor years old.' She said while holding up four fingers to show us how old she is.
Her chocolate brown eyes and crimson hair captivated my attention and my motherly instincts must have kicked in because all it took was one quick glance and I knew straight away I wanted a baby just as beautiful and outgoing as her.
'Are yow having a baby?' Abbie's eyes gleamed with curiosity which made me slightly chuckle.
'Well that's what we're her for...' Harry said to the doctor but also to the little girl,' Al took a few pregnancy tests which were all positive but yesterday went to the doctor and they said she wasn't.'
'Did the doctor perform an ultra-sound?' Dr Solomen asked, finally down to business.
'No.' I replied quick and simply.
'Well shall we?' We were led down the hall into a large white room filled with all sorts of doctor utensils and a large chair; much like at the dentists.
I sat down onto the chair in the middle and slightly rolled my top us which of course immaturely made Harry wink at me, I was now bright as a tomato. Dr Solomen got all of her equipment ready and squirted the cold gel onto my stomach.
'Go drinking last night?' she mussed.
'I was extremely upset about yesterday's news.' I snapped but quickly regretted being so rude, 'sorry.'
'No I understand, I would have been the same.' She smiled softly.
After what had seemed like a lifetime Dr Solomen looked up from the screen and brightly smiled, 'congratulations! The foetuses are perfectly fine and in good health besides may being a little tipsy from yesterday.' Dr Solomen went on and on but she lost me at foetuses.
'You mean to say there is more than one?' Harry managed to stutter out. His rosy cheeks now plae as a corpse.
'Correct you are having twins. It seems as though Alice here is a carrier of the gene.'
'Oh of course, the twin gene skips a generation. My Dad is a twin so it skipped me and now I'm having twins.' It all made a lot of sense now. I've known this could be likely since early teens.
'So there's a high chance that if we decide to have more kids they will most likely be twins too?' Harry had his stone hard concentration face on as he wrapped his head around the situation.
'Yes there is a very high chance.' Dr Solomen nodded.
From having one baby, to no baby, to two babies, I think it's fair enough to say this has already been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster but I don't care because right now I'm the happiest person alive.
Yes I was worried. I'm worries about Harry's reaction, I'm worried about how I'm going to handle two babies, I'm worries about where I'm going to raise them? What school? What type of parent I'll be? How will I cope with the lads on tour? But right now all those worries can screw themselves because in this moment everything was perfect.
'Can we find out the gender?' Harry's face changed from pale to a grin of excitement, ' Is it okay with you babe if we can find out.'
'Could we get it written down and find out at home?' I compromised.
'Perfect.' Harry grinned. We thanked Dr Solomen and said goodbye and took a photo with Abbie and left the doctors and raced home.

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