Chapter 28

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Madi's POV::

M: I'm moving in with you in Miami.

A: seriously, your are

M: yes, babe.

A: this is amazing.

M: I know, everything is finally back to its own special type of perfect.

A: yeah, so how is your sister.

M: so she's one know, she's already walking, talks a little. Loves watching your YouTube videos.

A: you showed me to her.

M: of course. Maci needs to know what perfection looks like.

A: she's seen you, I think she knows was perfection looks like.

Austin and I talked for a few hours, until I fell asleep. I woke up in Austin's arms.

I just laid there and thought about how perfect life was. My sister was so beautiful and healthy, my boyfriend was just flat out amazing. Except for cheer, but I decided to just not cheer anymore. After all the injuries, and being in coma, I got a really bad mental block. I couldn't throw my tumbling passes. When I tried to pull my body positions, they were terrible. I just decided to quit.

Austin woke up.

A: good morning babe.

M: good morning.

A: what do you wanna do today.

M: I don't know.

A: well we have 2 days until we have to go back to Miami. So we can do whatever, because I have no shows.

M: I don't care what we do.

A: we can just hang out.

M: fine with me.


Austin's POV::

I've made a mistake. I've made a terrible, terrible mistake.

A little after Madi moved to Miami with me. I got her pregnant. I promised her I would be there with her and the baby. But as her baby bump started to show, I walked away from her, and cheated on her with Becky G.

Now me and her have a 2 month old daughter, who I never get to see. Her parents were so mad at her for getting pregnant at barely 18. They want nothing to do with her. That means she cannot see her 2 year old sister who she loves so much. She's stuck living in an apartment in Miami with Marisa (our daughter). And it's all my fault.

Madi's POV::

I was just making my bed when I looked down at my hand. The ring... it's been almost 8 months sense austin and I have talked, but through all of that. I never took off the ring. No matter how pissed off I was or broken hearted I was I never took off the ring.

I walked over to my night stand and opened the top drawer. There it was. The note Austin left on my bed almost 2 1/2 years ago when I was in coma.



I'm sorry, for every fight we've ever had. I'm sorry for every time I've let you down. The times I let you go I shouldn't have. But Madi I love you. Your my love. I don't ever want us to separate. So here's a promise ring. I promise to never break your heart, til the day I die. (The ring is in the red box on your dresser)

- Austin Mahone


He broke the promise all because of the paparazzi.

I took a picture holding the note where the ring could show.

I posted it on Instagram with the caption...

Austin Carter Mahone. You better know how pissed I was when I found out that you were cheating on me with the fabulous Becky G. But no matter how mad I was, I never ever took off the ring. I never even thought about it. It just feels right with it on my finger. I know you broke my heart, but I still love you. So does your daughter.

I obviously got hate, after I posted it. Some mahomies sense the beginning understood.

I saw i also got a comment from austin.

Austin: Madison Alexis Chambers, I thought that that ring would be floating around in the ocean somewhere. Swallowed by a turtle. But finding out you kept it on after me breaking that promise is amazing. I know I hurt you. But hear me out, I'm so sorry. But if we could go to lunch sometime that would be nice. I'd really like to see my daughter. Text me, my number never changed hoping one day you'd call.

I decided to FaceTime him because it felt nessary.

He answered.

A: hey Madi.

M: hello Austin.

A: why did you Facetime.

M: it felt right. I just wanted to see you face to face.

A: oh. Can I see our baby.

I sat my phone down and walked and got Marisa out of her crib.

A: hey Marisa, it's Daddy. I know I have not been in your life, but I love you.

M: she's sleepy, because she kept me up all night.

A: awe.

M: watch it buddy. But do you wanna come over sometime.

A: sure. When.

M: I don't care.

A: what about now?

M: sure I don't care.

A: I'll be there in 10 minutes.

M: ok.

Austin's POV::

I stopped by the store before I went to her house because I wanted to get her some flowers.

Then I drove to her apartment.

She opened the door. She looked so different. She was taller, and her hair looked longer, and blonde, not light brown. She was also wearing glasses.

M: hey austin.

A: hey Madi.

M: it's been so long.

Then she hugged me.

I hugged her back.

M: sorry, I just..

She started crying.

M: I missed this. I missed us. I know that you didn't cheat on me on purpose. Well you did but it was only because you were stressed because of paparazzi.

A: oh Madi, don't cry.

M: I'm sorry.

Then Marisa started crying.

Madi went and got her.

M: you know she has your last name.

A: awe you didn't have to make her a mahone.

M: well I was thinking that if we ever got back together then she could be a mahone.

A: so you wanna get back together.

M: let's face it Austin. I can't live without you. It sucks not having you in my life.

Madi's POV::

I couldn't help myself. I but Marisa on my hip, and stood on my toes and kissed him on the lips.

A: so are we back together.

M: if we're not, I'd sure liked to be.

HAIIIIII GUYS ITS LAKEN. Sorry I keep jumping ahead so much. But anyway what I imagine Madi looking like is Nichole Franzel from the show big brother the 16th season. U know the most recent. If u don't know then look it up, if ur curious about what she looks like. So yeah. THANK YOU ALL MY READERS. IM CLOSE TO 2K READS. SO YEAH!! Xoxo Laken Lynn👸💋

Caught in the middle (an Austin Mahone love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz