Chapter 16

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Austin's POV::

Madi seems so much happier now that Chris is practically out of her life until Thanksgiving. Maybe I could do another ustream with her sense the mahomie' seem worried about her ever sense I tweeted #prayformadi.
She texted back a few seconds after I texted her she said she would. I told her to come over whenever in the next few minutes or whenever she could.
Next thing I know my moms yelling at me from downstairs that Madi is here.

I went downstairs to help her up the stairs with the crutches and we got set up.

I tweeted "about to do a ustream with @madichambers come and join us. She tweeted to then we started the broadcast.

The chat started to get filled with a lot of questions about Madi. She explained to them everything, they were very understanding and all said they would keep her in her prayers. We did a little q&a, and I sang a little. Then after about an hour we ended it.

A: it's gonna be weird next week when school starts.

M: I know I get to be the new girl.

A: I'll show you around, don't worry babe.

M: your the best austin.

A: thanks.

M: oh wow. When are go gonna get your backpack and supplies?

A: I don't know.

M: I'm getting mine tomorrow. You wanna come?

A: sure why not, spending time with you. Sounds perfect.

Madi's POV::

my mom called me and told me I needed to come home because I had a doctors appointment because they wanted to see come progress in my ankle. So Austin walked me to my house.


At the doctors::

Doctor: well your leg has made very little progress at all. If it keeps this up you may have to end up having surgery. That or you have to wait a year before you cheer again, or even longer.

I sat there in shock.

M: Do you think it'll make progress, so I can get back to cheer.

D: there's a possibility. Even though your on crutches only walk when it's necessary. Do y'all have a 2 story house?

M: yes.

D: you may have to get your father to carry you up the stairs or something. So what I'm basically trying to tell you is to take it easy.

Madi's Mom: what is she going to do about school starting next week.

D: take it easy this week and you should be able to walk next week on crutches. If not we can get you a wheel chair for school. So come back next Saturday and we will see how it's going.

M: ok see you then.


Later that afternoon:

Austin POV::

Michelle Mahone: austin I know your really getting popular on YouTube so I was thinking. Do you want to be home schooled.

A: that would be cool.

Michelle: for the program you would still have to go to school for the first 6 weeks.

A: that's cool mom, that's what Madi has to do too.

Michelle: I know I talked to her mom.

I then remembered that Madi had a doctors appointment. I called her to check on her.

M: hello

A: hey. How did your appointment go.

M: the doctor said that there's no improvement and there should at least me a little. So I'm supposed to take it easy for a week. Only walk around on my crutches when I absolutely need to.

A: oh that's nice. So will I get to see you sense you can't walk over.

M: you could come over to my house.

A: okay when?

M: I don't care. Now if your not busy.

A: I'll see you in like 10 minutes.

M: ok. Love you babe.

A: love you too.

Madi's POV::

M: *yelling* MOMM!!!

Madi's mom: yes Madi

M: austin is coming over in like 10 minutes. Let him in and bring him up to my room please.

Madi's mom: okay. Just remember to leave the door open.

10 minutes later

Austin's POV::

Madi's mom: Hello austin. Madi's upstairs in her room do you need me to show you?

A: no ma'am. It's turn left when your up the stairs end door to the left.

Madi's mom: Madi make you memorize that.

A: only Madi would.

I made my way up the stairs and found my way to her room. Madi sat strait up when she saw me.

M: your such a good boyfriend. I'm so glad I moved to this neighborhood.

A: I'm glad you moved here too baby.

Madi's POV:

We're enjoying the movie together then all of the sudden I notice my phone vibrate.

It was Kassie trying to call me. I answered just to see what she wanted.

M: hello

K: hey. How's it going.

M: sense when do you care about me?

K: were best friends. Chris told me about your leg, and your coming to New York for thanksgiving that's amazing. Are you too dating.

M: of course not he cheated on me. With you.

K: well your a bitch for believing Caitlyn that little slut.

M: call me what you wanna i don't really care and why tale bad about Caitlyn.

K: cause yeah me and Chris may have kissed but, Caitlyn, let's just say Chris is a soon to be father.

M: oh wow. Okay bye gotta go, I'm watching a movie with my boyfriend.

K: oooh what's his name.

M: Austin mahone look him up on YouTube.

K: ok bye.

I hung up.

Wow things are just going crazy sense I moved. I thought.

M: Austin. Thanks for being there for me.

A: Your my girlfriend I'm obviously going to be there for you. I know your friends are just going crazy, but I'll help you make friends here in San Antonio.

M: thanks babe. Now let's finish this movie.

A: okay.

Then I kissed him on the cheek.

HEY GUYS IT MEE!!!!! So the concert was a week and a day ago aka last Sunday July 27. It was amazing. I yelled way to much. I sadly wasn't the u girl but the girl who was deserved it. Now I'm trying to win the phone call on show mobile. Y'all can add me on show mobile it's @lakenmahone so add me. Remember add to library vote comment. Share LOVE YALL 😘

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