chapter 1

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Madi's POV::

I stood there in shock when my parents broke the news to me about moving to San Antonio, Texas. I was so sad because I was worried about leaving my boyfriend Chris, my cheerleading gym, and all of my other friends.

Was I going to fit in, or would everyone just ride horses and make fun of me for being from New York?! My parents said that we would be leaving in two days so I tried to make my last days in New York count.

Chris POV::

Madi is leaving in 2 days, and I don't know how I'm going to live without seeing her every day. I mean she's going to be half way across the country. I'm going to miss her so freakin much and I don't think that I'll be able to live without seeing her every day of my life.

Madi POV::

Moving to Texas is going to suck, I'm going to go to a freakin school with a whole bunch of freakin horse riding cowboys and cowgirls. I hope I don't become a freakin horse riding cowgirl who talks all country. (No-offence to Texans or other people with country accents) The main thing I'm mad about is that I have to leave behind my boyfriend, he's so hot any girl could just come and take him. I hope this LONG distance relationship works out well. I'm also pretty mad about leaving my gym I literally just got my call 1 week ago saying I was on the level 4 cheerleading team I tried out for, I hope there's a gym near our new house in Texas.

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