Chapter 14

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Madi's POV::

I woke up and looked over at my phone. Chris texted, all this crap about oh baby I get to see your beautiful face tonight. I wouldn't help but roll my eyes as I read it, all fake I know it is. He's just doing this to make my life miserable.

I want nothing to do with him or all 3 of my now ex best friends. The only people I want anything to do with in New York, is everyone at the gym. Id been going to that gym sense I was in 1st grade and I quit about a month ago because of the move. That gym has had the biggest impact on my life and it's part if who I am today, without it I would be so lazy and not giving everything my all. The worst part about leaving the gym and having to change gyms is I'll have to compete against them at completions. After thinking some more about how things used to be in New York and how there slowly changing here in texas. I decided that after Chris leaves I'm going to change my phone number.

A couple of minutes later I got a text from austin. He asked me if I knew what school I would be going to when school started.

I went down stairs and asked my parents what school.

"You will attend Lady Bird Johnson high for the first 6 weeks then for the rest of the year you will be homeschooled.", my dad said.


"Because at the cheer open gym tonight they will be picking a few people who seem really dedicated and really determined to come back on Saturday and tryout for a team.", My mom explained.

"Oh really, why didn't I know about this."

"You didn't read fully on the web page",my dad said.

Iran up stairs put on my cheer shoes a random pair or nike pros and a sports bra, threw my hair in a high pony tail and went outside to practice.


Austin's POV::

I hope Madi does good tonight at the open gym. I hope she gets back in cheer, I know much she loves it, and her parents told me about the tryouts dedication, determination thing and tryouts. I know she'll get the opportunity for tryouts, then she'll obviously make a team. She just needs to not think about Chris at all during the open gym tonight, or else she might get nervous.

I hope all goes well.


Madi's POV::

------3 hours later------------------------

1 hour and 1/2 til I have to be at the gym and I'm 100% ready. I thought to myself. It'll all go great. I will most likely be asked to come back for tryouts and possibly make them.

--------at the gym-------------------------

(Still Madi's POV::)

"I'll be back in 2 hours when it's over", my mom said.

"Okay," austin and I both said.

Then we walked in the gym. Austin sat down in one of the parent seats. I went over paid my money and walked over to everyone else. Before long the coach assigned everyone who said they were capable of flying to a stunt group. She had some of her elite level 5 cheer leaders do a skill, then we were to copy. I think my stunt group was the only one without a bobble or a fall. Then the coach asked me to talk with the stunt group then we decided what we would do. I did a bow and arrow, ticktock, needle. Then a double down basket. It was perfect. The coach told me I didn't need a tryout she wanted on my team that I had not flaws in anything I did, to pay at practice on Wednesday because I was now on the elite team.

I was then asked to do my stunt again. Everything went perfectly, until my stunt didn't catch me in my basket. I came crashing to the floor on my leg. I tried to get up and walk it off like just a little bruise or common injury that I could work through. When I tried to walk I fell back to he floor. Austin and the coach both came running to me. She told austin to take me to the ER because it was probably bad. She took my number and gave me hers and told me to call her whenever I got better from whatever was wrong. Austin I called my mom and explained everything while austin carried me to a chair. My mom showed up in under 5 minutes and drove me to the ER.


After waiting for about 30 minutes the nurse finally brought me to the room. I explained to her everything, then she placed her hand on my leg.

"Does this hurt?"


She kept on moving her hand around my leg and asking me if It hurt.

She finally ended up saying," the doctor will be in shortly to X-ray your leg"

This got me so scared. This was so bad I needed X-rays. I know I had the spot on the team but I didn't know how long I would be out. Hopefully not long.

Finally the doctor came in and took the X-rays. He went out and prossed them and a little while later came in to explain. He said, first things first you fractured you ankle in 2 places. This means you will have to be in a boot for some months. You will be on crutches for about 3-4 weeks. You have to try and stay off your leg as much as possible."

I sat there In shock.

"When will I be able to cheer again?"

"It all depends on how fast you recover so I honestly cannot tell you when. You may have to end up having surgery. So let me go get your boot, and crutches."

He came back and did all he had to do with the boot, that I already hated.

One of the nurses came and rolled me in a wheel to my moms car austin followed behind her. My mom paid and talked with the doctor about my appointments and all of that.

While sitting in the car I felt my phone vibrate. It was Chris calling.


"Hi, so I'm at McDonald's with my family, where are you?"

"The ER parking lot"

"Oh is everything okay beautiful"

"Yes, cheerleading accident I'm fine. We will be there in a minute. Bye"

(NOTe from now on in conversations i will use the first letter of there name instead of proper punctuation. Okay back to reading)

A: you okay

M: yeah Chris is just really stressing me out, I know it's all fake he's here to make me miserable.

A: I know he is but, don't worry he will be miserable once he finds out your not single and you want nothing at all to do with him.

M: yeah. You don't understand how hard it is seein your boyfriend and best friends cheat and lie to you, just because you move. Thank god I found you. You make me happy when going through all this stress and you helped me to the car after I fell. That's something Chris would never do, all he wanted to do was make out and all that. We never did anything else. I honestly don't know what I ever saw in him.

A: thanks Madi. I couldn't imagine one of my friends just lying strait to me, and my girlfriend cheating. Your glad you found me, I'm glad I found you.

Then my mom showed up. Told me about my appointments and everything I needed to know, and drove us to Mc Donald's to meet up with Chris and his parents. YAY!

Caught in the middle (an Austin Mahone love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu