Chapter 24

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Austin's POV::

I'm an idiot. I'm a freakin idiot. Madi tried calling me, yeah I saw it. But did I answer it. NO. Why, I thought she was just going to yell at me more. But no, she was just apologizing and she's probably pissed that I didn't answer. I probably blew any chance I had, with getting her back.

Madi's POV::

Well austin obviously dims want to talk to me. He didn't answer my call, and then he doesn't call me back. Now when he moves to Miami he'll forget about me because of his fame, then he'll get another girlfriend. Then I'll be lonely friendless, cannot cheer anymore Madison Alexis Chamber. I needed to get my mind off things so I tweeted: my bones may hurt, but not as much as my heart. I thought you were different.

I saw Robert had tweeted: y'all pray that Madi has a great recovery. We wanna see her cheer again soon. @madichambers 😘

Robert is just so sweet. He actually cared, and wants me to cheer again, and tells people to pray for me, unlike Austin.

I go bored so I just fell asleep. All I could dream of was Robert, and Austin. Like I kinda like rob, but I've dated austin for about 3 months, and I love him. I'm just caught in the middle of two great guys.

I then woke up and thought about my dreams and thoughts. I decided to text Robert sense Austin's a flat out jerk, at the moment.

M: hey rob.

R: hey mads

M: really dude

R: yup.

M: your a dork.

R: but I'm cute right.

M: adorable.

R: thanks I know right.

M: really rob really.

R: yes Madi yes

M: your too funny

R: thanks I know right

R: but your too beautiful.

M: awe thanks rob, your so sweet.

R: thanks. Btw I know that when austin moves your going to be bored, so maybe I could hang with your after school, if That's ok with you.

M: that's fine. Idc.

I started to get a call I so I answered not looking at who it was.

M: hello

?: hey

I didn't recognize the voice so I looked at the screen, private....

M: who is this.

?: no one you need to know

M: what do you want

?: you not to break Austin's mahones heart.

M: but he broke mine.

?: bitch your better suck it up and forgive him, cause if you break his heart, I'll break more than your bones.

Then they hung up.

I just laid in my bed and cried my eyes out. Then austin showed up... Great.

He walked over to me crying.

A: awe, what's wrong?

M: the mahomies, are what's wrong.

A: why are they bothering you.

M: I was just on my phone and I got a call from a private number saying if I broke your heart they'd break more than my bones.

A: oh my.

M: yeah your stupid mahomies want me dead.

A: Madi that's just one. It could have been more.

M: IT COULD HAVE BEEN MORE. I'm being threatened to get killed, and all you have to say is that I could have gotten more death threats. Why don't I just kill myself, then you wouldn't think that, because one of the best things that's ever happened to you would be gone, forever. Oooh but all those idiots who follow your every move are way more important to your right. RIGht.

I'm done with your stupid, jerk face, careless self. Call me all you want don't expect an answer. Because I'm done with you austin freakin carter freakin stupid mahone.

A: but Madi I didn't mean it like that.


A: Madison Alexis Chambers. If only you knew how much I loved you. Your the best thing that could ever happen to me. The day I saw you I always thought that you'd be mine. And I have a song that I want to sing to you after I record it in Miami. When I week.

M: wait hold the phone. Your moving next week.

A: yeah.

M: I've been a bitch and your

Moving next week. Austin I'm so sorry.

A: it's okay. But Remember to watch me on tv on the Saturday after I move you'll love it.

M: Kay.

I would like to think joselin and Celeste for giving me a couple of ideas for future chapters taking the good ones into concisederation. But yeah. Vote share comment add to library. All that. Hope ur liking.

-laken Lynn.

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