Chaper 17

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Madi's POV::

We ended up watching 3 movies. I checked my phone and saw that's it was 11:30pm so he decided that he should get going. He kissed me good night. I told him to text me whenever he got home so that I could make sure that your safe. He said he would. Then he did.

I looked on my twitter and saw that Kassie mentioned me in a tweet.

K: looks like the bitch @madichambers found herself a gay boyfriend who sings and is 100% trying to copy justin bieber. Good for her.

I thought nothing of it. She's just jealous. She hasn't had a boyfriend in a while. After responding to some tweets and watching Austin's latest cover of bless the broken road - rascal flatts. It was amazing. Then I went to bed.


For the rest of the week it was just the same thing austin would come over we would watch a movie something.


My mom helps me down the stairs, and into the car. We go through the star bucks drive through and both get venti Carmel frappes. Then we go to the doctors office.

D: hello Madison how is your leg.

M: it's feels like it's doing better.

D: that's good, now let me do a few X-rays.

D: it looks like it's made a good amount of progress. I would say you don't need the crutches anymore just the boot. Come back in 3 weeks for another X-ray.

M: okay thanks. See you then.

Austin texted me a little later asking how it went.

I told him that I was off crutches and could walk again.

He asked if I wanted to come over later.

I told him id be over in a hour, because my mom and I were shopping for school clothes.

My mom tried to show me some outfits but they all looked like something that I would wear in the 3rd or 5th grade. I found a couple of pairs of jeans at Kohl's. We then went to Aeropostale and I got a couple of shirts. We then went to Claire's so I could get some jewelry, then we went to Victoria's Secret pink so that I could get a backpack. After that we left the mall then went to academy. There I got a new pair of nike shoes, a couple of nike sports bras, and a pair of nike pros.

After that we went home and I walked over to Austin's.

When I got over there he answered the door. We sat on the couch and were just our phones, until alex, Robert, and zach came over. Then we all had the idea to go to the park.

Roberts POV::

Madi is just so pretty. I can see what austin had a crush on her when she first laid eyes on her. I don't know what to do cause I'm falling for Madi, but she's dating austin, and he's one of my best friends.

HAI!!!!!! Short chapter I know 😁 anyway I almost have 700 total views on it 😍😘 so thanks. And sorry for the ending guys I know it sucked. Remember to vote, comment, share, and add to you library. And mahomies follow me on showmobile @lakenmahone

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