Chapter 23

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Austin's POV::

I knew Madi was upset. She got up and left the park. She waited in her car then she drove off. I decided to follow her so we could talk. I was obviously slower because I'm on foot. I hear an ambulance as I'm walking. Then when I get closer to town I see Madi's car, with another car rammed into the side of it. The drivers side. I broke down crying. I called her parents.

Mrs.chambers: hello

A: hi. Well I was just walking into town and I see Madi's car and well... (I then started crying.)

Mrs.C: what honey.

A: a car t-boned Madi's. On the drivers side. In the intersection.

Mrs. C: go ride with her in the ambulance. Tell the emergency people your her boyfriend. I'll meet you guys up there.

A: ok. I keep you updated.

I walked over to the scene. And explained everything to the officers.

Officer: now son. This ain't your fault. The other car robbed the bank and was speeding to get away. Your girlfriend will most like have 100% recovery in almost no time. Now son, go get into the back of that ambulance and ride with her to the hospital.

I walked over and got into the back and sat down. Madi was in the stretcher bed in the middle.

We quickly arrived at he hospital, and she was taking into the ER. I sat in the waiting room with her mom, and the crew, for what seemed like hours. To take my mind off things I decided to get on twitter. I tweeted: "I love you no matter what. I'm sorry things have to be this way, but babe, it'll get better. Just remember home is where my heart is, with you."

Then the nurse said that we could go in and see her. Only 3 at a time though. Her mom, me, and alex went in. Her dad was at work.

When we walked into the room we all started lightly saying her name. You could tell she was waking up. Thank god.

The doctor then came in to tell about why was wrong with her.

Doctor: her leg that was almost healed. Is now broken again. This time it is worse because it is her knee and ankle. She also broke her left elbow, and left arm. And she fractured her other foot also. I suggest she stay in the hospital until tomorrow night, then she is free to go home.

Then he walked out.

Madi's POV::

M: So I got into a wreck.?

Mrs.C: yes. Sweetie.

M: how did you find me.

My mom over pointed at austin.

Then it hit me. This is basically his fault. He should be the one in this situation. Over there living his dream. Look at me. Obviously never going to cheer again.

M: austin. Yeah um can you please leave. Like go to your home, I may call you, I may not. I feel like you hurt me enough, and look where that led us. Glad your living your dream, which ruined mine. So I'll text you or call you sometime, if I can with one hand. Bye.

A: (crying) I'm sorry babe. Really. But whatever makes you happy.

M: please don't call me babe. And you obviously don't love me.

A: bu

M: good bye austin. Bye.

Mrs. C: what was that all about.

M: he's moving. And he just postponed telling me. Basically ignored me for 2 or 3 weeks. I just need a break from boys.

Mrs.C: you may have over reacted a little. But you and austin were an amazing couple, and I hate to see you to break up. Because you know that some of his mahomies are just going to go crazy because he's single know. Then when you go and forgive him, he'll be gone and in Miami.

M: I understand. Ill call him later maybe. Right now I'm tired, so please let me sleep.

Her mom walked out of the room.

Alex was sitting in a chair.

M: Alex. Why did austin let me drive off. Why didn't he stop me.

A: he didn't want to make you even madder. He knows you needed time to chill. When he called me and told me you got into a wreck, it didn't feel like I was talking to austin. Madi he loves you.

M: I guess I'll call him back later.

Austin's POV::

She told me to leave. She flat out said that it was my fault and I should be there in the hospital. That my dream was ruining her dream of cheerleading. She deserves better than me. Way better.

Roberts POV::

Austin's moving to Miami. MOVING TO MIAMI. Him and Madi are broken up. Now I just gotta get the girl. Yeah I'm going to miss austin when he moves but, Madi won't. She'll need someone to comfort her in her sadness. She'll be lonely. HELLO robs on the job.

Madi's POV::

I woke up and looked at the clock. 8:00am. I decided to call austin. Because what the heck.

I dialed his number.


You have reached austin mahones voicemail. Sorry I couldn't get to you if you could leave a brief message I'll contact you back soon. Thanks.

M: hey Austin. It's Madi. And I Bet it's hard to believe, but I love you. Understand I was upset. Me being me overreacted. I'm calm now. I you want to come to the hospital your welcome to. If you don't love me, I understand. Just always remember that I love you, no matter what.

Ooooh. What's gonna happen😳😁🙈 keep reading and adds to your library. Comment if you have. And vote if you want more drama. Love you readers 😘🙈xoxoxo-LAKEN LYnn.

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