chapter 2

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The next day...

I woke up to the alarm on my phone, I unlocked it and saw that I had 10 missed Face time calls from Chris. I got up and put on some black Nike pros, a matching Nike sports bra, with a neon yellow tee shirt, along with my nfinity cheer shoes, and a cheer bow.

I decided to call Chris to see why he called me so many times... No answer,

he's probably in the shower I thought.

"He will call back later", I said to myself.

Then I went to my now old cheer gym to tell everyone good bye.

After that, I went back home to start packing up for Texas.

I faced timed Chris and he didn't answer. He texted me instead of answering my face time call. Chris told me that he was puking all over the place because of some Chinese food that he ate last night.

I think that his message sounded suspicious because he tried to face time me earlier. That kind of scared me though.

He wasn't going to break up with me, was he?

I decided to look on the bright side, maybe it'll be fun in Texas. I wonder what our new house was going to look like. I went and asked my mother for the address, and then looked it up on my phone.

It's actually kind of pretty, I thought, in a kind of subdivision type of area. I'm kind of excited now considering the fact that the house was going to be 2 story.

After I finished packing all of my things in boxes I decided to walk over to Chris' house and tell him and his parent's bye.

When I got there his parents gave me a hug and told me to keep in touch and whenever in town to come and visit. Then when I was walking down the hallway to Chris's room I though, wait he said he was sick because of some Chinese food he ate last night

. Well I knocked on the door and when he opened it I got wrapped in the biggest hug ever and he kissed my cheek.

"Oh babe, you did all that to surprise me," I said.

"You had me suspicious that you were cheating, then I wondered why you would try to Facetime me", I said.

"I knew you were probably going to sleep in and probably go to the gym to tell your friends bye, while I was waiting for you to call me back I decided to do that to you, I'm sorry if it scared you babe.", he told me.

"I'm going to miss you so freakin crazy when I'm in Texas, I'll Face time you every night and text you whenever I have the chance." I said.

He told me," He knew it would never be the same not to see my face every day in person." We talked for about another 45 minutes before my mom called and told me I should probably come home, so I could get ready to go to sleep because we would be driving for around for up to a day, depending on traffic and everything.

I told Chris bye and gave him a kiss, and told him to text me tomorrow because I would be in the car all day long.

Before I could leave he wrapped me in a hug and kissed me, boy I'm going to miss him like so freakin crazy I thought to myself. Then we both realized that I should probably be going.

He walked me to the front door then kissed me again. Then, I walked back home and ate dinner, took a shower, then went to sleep on the blow up mattress laid out in my bedroom, my parents told me to just sleep on that tonight because my bed was somewhere in our trailer or truck, whichever one they put it in.

My alarm went off at 5:00 the next morning. I woke up and washed off my face, took the stopper out of the blow up mattress, and took one last walk around the house.

"I'm going to miss this place," I said to myself.

Then I thought about all the fun I may have in Texas, thinking back to the picture I saw of my new home yesterday.

Then I put the blow up mattress in to the sack picked up my pillow and my phone, walked out to the truck laid down in the backseat and fell asleep while listening to music from my iTunes.

I woke up about two hours later saw Chris had texted me telling me that he already missed me and where we were know.

I texted him back and told him that we were in Pennsylvania. He texted back saying life will never be the same not seeing my face every day and it worries him that what if one of the Texas boys falls for me.

I texted him back saying, you don't think that Lindsey, or Amanda the two most popular twins will try to steal you. No one even knows that I am moving besides you the girls at the gym, and my besties Kassie, Meghan, Caitlyn. Plus you really think a cow boy from Texas would fall for this high class city girl form New York.

Hahahah I don't think so.

He texted back saying that he should probably let me sleep so that I could be fully rested when I was in Texas. I told him thanks babe you're the greatest love you with a kiss face emoji.

3 hours later...

"Madi wake up were in Ohio and were about to get something to eat," my mother told me.

"I'm in my PJs", I said.

My mom then handed me a blue pair of Nike pros, the matching Nike sports bra and a blacks shirt that basically just says random cheer related words, my nifinitys, and a purple and blue bow. I thanked my mom and hopped down into the flour board behind the driver's seat and changed into my outfit. Then we drove for about another 5 minutes and then we found and Ihop restaurant. We ate there then we got back into the truck and got back on the road to Texas.

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