chapter 3

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Arriving to the new house in Texas....
Madi's POV::

"O.M.G", I yelled as we pulled up to the house," the house is really pretty, it doesn't look like everyone is living in a shack or log cabin with a big yard and a horse.

Maybe this won't be so bad, except I am really going to miss all of my friends."

My parents seemed glad that I liked the new house. "Wait till you see your room, "my dad said. He pulled the key out of his pocket and unlocked the house. He told me upstairs last room to your right, the smaller room across from it is your closet."

I went into my new room and looked out my window. I saw four boys about my age, 15, or a little older, shooting hoops in their yard.

I thought to myself, they're not country boys they look like the average teenage boy. I mean there wearing Jordan and Nike shirts, shoes, and shorts from what I could tell.

I face timed Chris and gave him like a house tour. He said he liked the house and wishes that I was still in New York with him.
I told him I had to go because I had to unpack then we would go to the local hardware store to pick up some paint for my room.

Then we would be going to Bed Bath and Beyond to get some different things to decorate my rooms, my parents, and the other rooms in our house.

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