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Sara's POV

Nathan gripped my hand and smiled at me. we were standing just on the side of the stage. People had already filled the seats and were still streaming in. My heart was thudding in my chest like a jack rabbit and I felt like throwing up.

I was wearing the dress Nathan bought me and one of his hats to cover my face. I was freaking out but Nathan was calm and collected. He had faith in me.

"What if I can't remember the words?" I stuttered.

"We're doing your favorite song first then Warzone. He has no parts in Warzone and I doubt you'll forget the words to your favorite song. After that is Heart Vacancy and I will step in at any time if you fall." he reassured me with a wink. "and don't worry I'll catch you."

I nodded my head and ran a hand through my red hair. "I'm scared."

Jay slapped my back a cheeky grin on his face. "That's the fun part! Come on Red live a little." then he threw himself on stage. The audience screamed bloody murder and I paled. A lot of cheers can be a lot of boos.

"Don't worry, Sara, you'll be fine. I have trust in you." Seev said soothingly and gave me a quick reassuring hug. I smiled at him and he waved before following Jay on stage.

Cheers erupted again.

Max quickly followed.

The band began to play.

Nathan gave me a kiss and went on, the microphone to his mouth. The audience erupted into song with him.

"You think you see me. you haven't seen nothing. I'm looking for something more then this. I'm feeling no limits. I'm seizing each minute, don't wanna, dont wanna just exist."

He stared at me a wink on his face and his hand reaching out to me.

"Don't want my feet on the ground. Want to feel the speed of sound. I want it now, I want to fly. Like a rocket to the sky going up a million miles."

The boys began to sing the chorus with the audience as Nathan came over to me. He took my hand.

"You can do this Sara, for Olivia, for me."

I nodded my head and followed him on stage my eyes never leaving his.

"and I'm not coming down. Won't stop til feel the sky at my feet my dreams are my wings I'm flying Flying high."

Then everyone else fell off and it was just me singing. I stared at my boyfriend as he stared back, smiling into my eyes. i forgot I was on stage. Instead I focused on him and him alone.

"Im climbing I'm rising. I'm striking like lightning. Write my name in the sky writing for all to see. I'll do something epic and they won't forget it. Good enough's not good enough for me."

The audience broke out in cheer and Nathan grinned stupidly at me spinning me around. He dipped me and I fell into his arms.

I smiled shyly up at him. "Told you I would catch you."

I laughed and put the mike to my lips.

"My dreams are my wings I'm flying... flying high."

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