Max Gets Into Character

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Sara's POV

I heard a knock at the guest room that i was occupying as i was getting dressed. quickly i shoved my shirt on and opened the door. Nathan stood there a shy smile planted on his beautiful lips. "Hey wanna come down for breakfest?" I nodded and threw my flipflops on before following him downstairs. i heard Olivia screaming and knew she had woken up. why she was screaming i dont know but Olivia doesnt ever leave me puzzling for long so i didnt worry about it to much. Nathan led me into the kitchen where Jay and max was scarfing down MacDonald's. Max was eating a breakfest buritto and Jay was eating eggs sunny side up. I looked through the bags and settled on a box of fries covered in salt. Nathan stole one and examined it. "Thats a shitload of Salt, Sara." he exclaimed. i blushed. "Yeah, im kindof a salt addict." Max grinned putting down his food. Clearing his voice he went into character. i watched amused.

"Hi, Im Sara and Im a salt addict." Max said in a voice so much like my own.

"Sex Addict?"  he said in a rough country accent similiar to Nathan's.

"No dummy a Salt Addict." Sara voice said.

"Well, baby thats hott." He said in an Elvis like voice.

Max then smiled proud of himself and continued eating. Nathan shook his head as i gazed eyebrow raised at Max. Nathan pulled me down in the seat next to him. "Dont worry he does that a lot. its actually kind of cool just really random." he assured me.

"Really Condom?" Max said in a Siva voice.

"Yes." Nathan voice replied.

"Oh goodie!" he exclaimed in a preppy girl voice.

I laughed as he smiled again. Max was weird in the mornings.  Just then Tom and Olivia came in or rather Olivia stormed in. She was red in the face and had a look of rage i have never seen before.  i smiled amused. her favorite pop star pissed her off. Tom looked guilty and incredibly embarrassed. i opened my mouth to speak but Siva beat me to it.

"What the hell was all the racket about this morning?" he asked incredulously walking in behind them and straight to the tea pot on the stove. Olivia glared at Tom and then at Jay who had gagged on some of his food and then back at Tom. "Well i woke up next to this baffoon..." she started but Tom interrupted. "You know you liked waking up to this handsome face." olivia shoved him while a blush formed on her face. "because of that baffoon's idiocy..." she continued only to get interrupted by Jay. "I said I was sorry." he protested, Olivia rolled her eyes and finished her little rant in one breath. "andthenhewalksinonmeintheshower!" i leaned forward confused because her words were rushed. Nathan chuckled in my ear sending shivers racing down my spine. "She said tom walked in on her while she was showering." he whispered to me and i grinned our eyes meeting. I tore myself away from his sparkling green eyes to see Olivia having a breakdown. She obviously was still unnerved from the plane ride yesterday and i know why she was really embarrassed, a secret she would like to keep from the boys for right now at least. The fact that she talks in her sleep doesnt actually help the problem it spills the secret completely out. she doesnt want them to know how truly much she was in love with Tom Parker.

The quiet had risen to a highpoint when all of a sudden Olivia belted out in her deep smooth alto, "Im going to kill tom parker." in the melody of Lose my mind. Jay, Max, and I laughed as Nathan smiled at his mate. "Lad, you screwed your chances big time." tom shrugged a devillish smirk on his lips. "She's just embarrassed that i heard her say my name in her sleep." Olivia didnt screech like i expected instead she slapped him right across the face. olivia slapped Tom Parker... hard. The resounding slap echoed in the silence of the room. Olivia glared into his shocked face. "No, Parker, I am upset because i have a migrain the size of Texas and you just happened to be dumb enough to walk in on me while i was sleeping then walk in on me while i was in  the shower... in the shower, Parker! do you have no brains at all? i hope the view was good because you are not winning this bet... ever!!!"

then she stormed out as  confusion reflected on all of our faces. then we heard a voice coming from the living room, a voice even i recognized from countless phonecalls.

"What did you do this time, TomTom, and what bloody bet?"

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