Skittles and Underwear

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Sara’s POV

The next morning I woke up to the sound of laughter. We had no plans for the day but to sit around at the flat and prepare for The Wanted’s and Olivia’s interview on BBS Radio.

Yawning I crawled out of bed and down the hall. Hoping breakfast was cooked and I could eat. Laughter filled the air again and I smiled knowing full well that was Nathan’s laugh.

I smiled wider when I saw the picture in front of me, a look of well slept teenagers. Only their not actually teenagers.

Max was curled up in a recliner, his eyes focused on the screen, and a remote control in his hands.

Nathan and Siva were facing each other on the couch , playing the card game War, each one wearing identical looks of concentration.

Jay was on the other recliner, lap top in hand, a smile on his bright morning face as he and Olivia asked each other random questions.

Olivia was laying her head on Tom’s lap, her feet propped up on Jay’s recliner, and a People magazine in her hands.

Tom was stretched out on the floor, a second controller in hs hand and his tongue slightly exposed in a look of humorous determination.

“Dammit, Max! Stop bumping into me!” Tom moaned and bent down, kissing Olivia’s lips. I laughed as she glared up at him. He smirked.

“For luck.”

I shook my head and eyed Nathan’s cup of sugary tea next to him.  As well as an uneaten cupcake, perched on the tea cup’s rim. I grabbed it and plopped down in his lap as he frowns at me.

“That was mine.”

“I know.”

I winked, taking a bite as an explosion of sugar rushed through my body. Nathan rolled his eyes as I finished his cupcake, circling his arms around me as he played his turn.

“So, who do you think won the bet?” I asked curious, nodding towards Tom and Olivia.

Nathan frowned as Siva swiped up his card that he just played with a flourish. Ace beats three in War and every other game.

“Olivia. So that means I owe you three hundred dollars.”

“Good because I didn’t have three hundred to give you if you won.”

Nathan raised an eyebrow as he snatched up Siva’s card much to Seev’s dismay. Five beats two. Nathan played his next card.

“What?” he mused. I laughed.

“You didn’t think I was a girl of my word did you?” I teased and Nathan rolled his eyes.

Dropping his cards into my lap, he spun me around so my legs dangled on either side of him and I was facing him completely.

“So I guess you want your money then?”

I scrunched up my nose. “Brian where’s my money?” We exploded into laughter. “I love Stewie!” we said in unison.

“Dammit, Max! I quit! You win! I fucking hate this game! God bless your face!” Tom shouted, throwing his remote on the ground and plopping his head on the floor. He winced as his swollen jaw hit the rough carpet.

I frowned at Nathan.

“How’s your head?” I asked at the same time Olivia said “Quit your tantrum, Thomas, or I’ll let James film you.”

Nathan touched the back of his head tenderly. “It’s a little sore. I finally got all the blood out of my hair this morning and I think there’s a bump forming.”

I leaned forward kissing the top of his head where I could feel the bump forming.

“Poor, baby.” I cooed.

Nathan smiled, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “It hurts here.” He pouted touching his forehead. I rolled my eyes kissing it.

“I hurt here too.” He pointed to his cheek and I kissed it.

“and here.” He brushed his mouth and I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t think so. You’re pushing it buddy.”

Siva laughed and Nathan groaned, giving me his puppy dog eyes. “Come on! Tom got a kiss from Olivia! For luck?” I laughed and pecked his lips before standing up. He grinned stupidly.

I walked over to Olivia and tom who looked utterly bored. “Wanna have some fun? A prank if you will?” I whispered and watched Tom’s and Olivia’s eyes light up.

“Did you say prank?”

I nodded. “I did.”

“What kind of prank?” Olivia whispered back and I nodded towards Jay who was engrossed in his Twitter.

“Jay’s skittle drawer, of course.”

A few minutes later the plan was in action. Tom was going to do the lifting, Max was the distraction and look out, Olivia was doing the switch-a-roo, and I stole Jay’s flip.

I opened the door as Tom and Olivia went to get his underwear drawer.

The Prank: Switch Jay’s skittle drawer with Tom’s Underwear.


Tom and Olivia ran in and I shut the door quietly, turning the camera on me.

“Happy Wanted Wednesday, TWFanmily. Does everyone love Jay? Well, we don’t. So we’re switching Tom’s underwear drawer…” I turned the camera exposing Tom’s boxers to the world. “With Jay’s skittle drawer.” Olivia opened the dresser and with a flourish shown everyone his rainbow colored treats.

“And I replaced all my clean stuff with my dirty undies.” Tom winked into the camera as he and Olivia switched the drawers. Olivia scrunched up her nose in disgust.

“Poor Jay.”

I smiled into the camera wickedly. “Jay this is for you: sweet, sweet revenge.”

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