Found the Beat

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Nathan's POV

Olivia looked around the studio in awe. She had been in here once before but in the back never up where all the technical supplies, instruments, voice recorders, microphones, and burners were.

"This is amazing."

the girl exclaimed and watched her eyes light up as did Tom's. he and her made well on his winnings last night and all though their original bet and mine and sara's bet is still on, he had never looked more awake.

he's headover heels for her, i mused before catching up with them.

"Olivia are you ready to hear your song. Tom and i loved the lyrics but it was a little hard to write music to it but i think you'll like it." i exclaimed she laughed.


Of course I'll love it. i had no idea how it was going to sound in my head. i just wrote the words down."

"Of course you did cuz you didnt want to help us at all." Tom rolled his eyes and Olivia shoved him before plopping down in a roll seat.

"Very funny, Parker. Now Nath lets hear it."

I blushed as Olivia put me in charge. Great, now i look incompetent. Steadily I walked over to the large recording machine and paused.

Which botton was play? It all looked the bloody same to me. why couldnt they have labeled them?

Tom saw me struggling and walked over. it only took him a moment before he had it turned on and ready to hit the green flashing go button.

he turned to olivia.

"You ready? Its just the music no words." he informed her but she smiled.

"The music is my favorite part of the song."

Tom smiled softly back, "mine too."

I cleared my throat.


"Ok so TomTom press play when ready." I announced taking charge once again. Tom rolled his eyes and pressed play.

Music filled the room.

Pianos, guitars, basses, drums, even a heavy electric keyboard. it sounded so nicely. pop mixed with techno mixed with rock mixed with soul. Its Jay. Its Tom. Its Max. Its Siva. Its me. its all of us blended into one song.

slowly i turned to Tom. he was head banging and jumping up and down dancing to the beat of the music we wrote together.

Olivia sat behind him calm and collected, her head nodding, her eyes closed, her lips smiling.

It was our newest song.

It was our new single.

it was I Found You.

When it was over I turned to Olivia and Tom. "So what do you think?"


I thought you just wanted to tinker with it you practically built an orchestra. you practically wrote the music yourself. mate it was brilliant!" tom exclaimed excitedly still jumping up and down.

Olivia laughed and grabbed his hand pulling him down in the seat next to hers. Tom smiled but chilled. I turned to Olivia.


She paused. closing her eyes and biting her lip.

Tom and I stared at our lyricist apprehension building up inside me. Finally she opened her eyes a wide smile planted on her lips.

"I think we found the beat."

I Found YouМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя