Playing With Lizards and Nathans

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  • Dedicated to Sara Stockton


wrote by Sara Stockton ; ) Peace!!!!

Jay's POV

 Max found me at the bar, my tshirt on my head and some blond babe clinging to my every word. he looked at me, an amused smile on his face.

"Hey, mate, can you find Sara and Nath? Seev is ready to go to a different club and i still need to find Olivia since she left Tom dumbfounded."

I laughed at that. i could picture my favorite flirt pushing Tom to the edge and then leaving him falling off into the abyss... wow, i think dark thoughts when i am wasted on Vodka and Dr. Pepper. Shaking the thoughts out of my head and nodded to Max.

"Yeah, i even know where they went. i'll meet you at the cabbie in ten minutes." Max laughed and slapped me lightly on the face. "thats a good boy, don't screw this up and try to do it semi sober. we have a lot more drinking to do."

I frowned and left the bar slipping in between the heated bodies and groping girls. i headed towards the exit and the gazebo.

"Jay!!" Oops. I didnt even realize i had walked up onto the gazebo. i smiled up at her and felt a shock of jealousy race through me as i saw how close Nath was to Sara. I knew she liked him but I wouldnt have guessed he liked her back not after just meeting her.

Quickly i looked for a distraction to block the thoughts running through my half drunk mind. "Nath, sorry to interrupt, but you have a lizard on his head." I announced with a laugh as I saw the little green lizard peeping out of Nathan's perfect hair.

Nathan screeched and started to flap around like a deranged monkey. i couldnt help it i burst into laughter watching my mate make a total fool of himself. "Get it off! Get it off!! Sara!! Jay!!!" he yelled panicky. Sara tried to get close enough to him but he pushes her away, she starts to laugh.

"Mate, its more scared of you then you are of it. Its not even big enough to hurt you." i tried to reassure him but he didnt listen. Finally he catches it throwing it out of his hair and onto the gazebo floor. "Stupid bloody lizard." he mumbled and I laughed picking up the poor defenceless lizard. I let it go in the grass.

"cmon guys, I told Max we'd meet him at the cabbie. we have Club Hopping to do."

We crawled into the back of the cabbie squeezing in tightly so that there was room for the others. Nathan sat huffed and angry in his seat next to Sara's, quiet and pouty. He was mad because we laughed at him.

"Oh come on Nathan, dont be mad! you have to admit it was kinda funny..." Sara protested and I looked at Nath amused. He was not going to give in that easily. "I'll show you funny." he snarled somewhat angrily and launched forward. Sara screamed and Nathan started to tickle her uncontrollably. i laughed as I watched Sara suffer under his teasing hands.

"Stop! stop! Nathan!" she screeched, trying to crawl out from under him. he chuckled maniachally. 'Only if you say Nathan is The Hottest man alive!"

"Never!" she screamed before choking on her tortorous laughter. Suddenly the door opened and the kids paused in their game. I smiled before reaching into the limo fridge for a beer. It was Tom and Olivia both looking incredibly drunk. Tom smirked.

"actually I am the hottest man alive."

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