Shot Down

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Tom's POV

I glanced over at Olivia passed out in the front seat. she was rather pretty in an innocent natural way and i felt my heart thud in my chest. smiling i turned back to the road. it was around six just when the sun was going down and Olivia had fallen asleep during the ride home.

she still wasnt used to the time difference and neither was Sara who was playing Rock Paper Scissors in the back of my car with a very wet Nathan still wide awake.

"So how did you two get so wet?" i inquired still a little angry about the fact that i found the two of them playing card games, dripping wet, in the back of my brand new Jaguar. 

"Don't ask, mate." Nathan muttered.

I was still puzzled but i let it slide anyways turning into our driveway. i turned the car off and watched as Nathan and Sara climbed out before turning to the sleeping Olivia. I was deciding on whether or not to wake Olivia up but in the end I couldnt do it. She just looks so damn peaceful when she's asleep. so i shuffled out of the Jaguar and opened her door, lifting the girl into my arms. she wasnt extremely heavy but she wasnt light either.

i could hear her heart beat against her chest and i smiled down at her. Her eyelashes imprinted shadows on her crimson cheeks and her full pink lips slightly open. i felt this sudden urge to kiss her, a complete stranger pretty much, but kiss her nonetheless.

shaking my head i carried her through the threshold and up the stairs to my room. i couldnt remember for the life of me which guestroom was hers and which one's was Sara's so i just laid her down on my bed.

i left the room quietly, watching her curl up into a ball under my comforter. Jay and Max walked up behind me.

"So you tired her out, eh?" Jay asked and i shook my head chuckling under my breath before closing the door.

"No she tired me out." i corrected.

he laughed and followed me down the stairs. Max threw his arm around me.

"She's really pretty, arent she?"

i stopped and rolled my eyes not bothering to answer. of course she's pretty. she's  fucking beautiful.

we sat down on the couch and turned on the Tv. Nathan, Sara, Siva, and Eesha could be heard laughing from inside the kitchen. i didnt fell like finding out what they were laughing about. instead i closed my eyes and let the voices from Family Guy put me out for a nap.

in a couple of hours, im going to show Olivia what London is really about by taking her clubbing.

"Wake up, Tom. I thought you said you wanted to take me out to a club?" I heard a voice say and i opened my eyes to two beautiful green ones wrapped in heavy black eyeliner.

"Hello, gorgeous." i muttered and watched the blush form on her pretty face.

Her brown hair was curled around her face and pinned back. she wore no base and little lipstick which suited her very well, and she was wearing a pretty black blouse and blue jean shorts. she looked incredibly cute.

i ran my hands through my hair and sat up my face closing in on hers.

"What time is it?" i asked, hoping i had time to change. Nathan came up behind me throwing me my leather jacket.

"Time to go, we felt you needed to have your rest so Olivia took your drink out of our traditional before club bottle." i glared at the green eyed girl and she smiled sweetly.

"Dont worry you can still get drunk at the club, Jayne brought us over a cabbie for there and back."

i smiled and stood up stretching. i felt her eyes on my riden tshirt and couldnt help but smirk. there was one thing i knew how to do and that was getting the girl.

minutes later we were in the club throwing back shots abd dancing next to sweaty strangers. Olivia was an excellent drinker and although she had more then me she still didnt seem all that fazed. in fact she had as much as Jay and Jay was slurring and wearing his shirt on his head.

Olivia has not danced with me yet however.

Everytime I asked her to she would come up with some excuse. She has danced with Siva, sara and Eesha, danced with Nathan, Max three times and Jay twice before he got extremely boggered.

Finally I heard a familiar song pop on and I made my way to her, knowing she cant say no to me this time.

"Im better so much better now, i see the light touch the light were together now"

She saw me coming and smiled at me making my heart do a backflip. she has only been her a day and she has already stole my ability to think.

"Wanna dance?" i asked, my voice thick with the slur of alcohol. she keyed in on the song and smiled.

"Weve only just begun hypnotized drums until forever comes youll find us chasing the sun"

"You know it." she winked and pulled me in.

i wrapped my arms around her and we swayed to the music as i looked around. Nathan was sandwiching with Sara and Jay, Max was at the bar singing extremely loudly much to the pleasure of the girls beside him, and Siva and Eesha was slow dancing making out in the corner across from us. We were all having a blast and i was determined to win my girl.

"Olivia can I ask you something?" i whispered in her ear.

she chuckled. "You know it."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I felt my heart racing in my chest as i awaited her answer. she could very well have a boyfriend a pretty girl like her. of course she would have a boyfriend. or...

"No i dont have a boyfriend."

The words were like music to my ears. i pulled her gaze up to meet mine. "Good." then i leaned forward to kiss her. closer, closer, closer, our lips barely touching when she breathed her next sentence a sentence that turned me sober...

"But that doesnt mean i want to lose this bet."

Shot. Down.

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