Daddy Max

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Max's POV

I walked into the sound booth where the others were waiting. Jay was there with Jayne soaked to the bone and Olivia, nathan, and Tom was in the technician area proof reading and checking the equipment so we could record.

"Where's Sara?" i asked noticing that one of our little gang members were missing. Siva smiled.

"Nar picked her up so she didnt have to sit around utterly bored. I think they are going to spa." i laughed, shaking my head.

"Sounds like where Eesha would take her."

Olivia stormed out looking beautiful and angry as always. i knew she had a thing for Tom but i couldnt help not hoping that i could win her. it was doubtful though she and tom went well together.

"Maxie!" she greeted jumping into my arms. i laughed spinning her around before setting her on the ground.

"Did you miss me?" i grinned and she nodded throwing her arms over me again.

"Its the greatest song. it will sound so amazing. the lyrics are okay but the music is spectacular. i cant wait to hear you sing it!" she chatted eagerly exposing her excitement. I laughed twirling her around.

"Then lets record this baby."

Three hours later we stood over a microwave each one of us taking turns heating up dinner. well most of us, Olivia was eating a cold cut sandwich she got Tom to buy her from Subway. Everyone else got whatever food was in the fridge.

"You know this could be poisonous. it might have been in there for a long time." Tom purred but Olivia shook her head.

"Don't care."

'I bought it for you!"


"Come on! Just one bite! i'll buy all your beer for a week." he bargained and Olivia laughed. secretly i knew if he had said please she would have relented but Tom doesnt know that word. its just not in his vocabulary whereas i was a gentleman. the bad boy always seems to get the girl and its no fair to us nerds.

"Fine but just one bite." she held her sandwich out and he smirked biting off a third of the sub. Olivia glared at him.

"Parker that was so not a bite!" she exclaimed and he laughed.

"It was too."


"I'm a growing boy!"

I rolled my eyes at that one and so did Olivia. he may be my best friend but he was simply ridiculous and such a baby sometimes. Jayne walked in and clapped her hands.

"Ok one more draft and you guys can leave to get hammered or high or fulfill your sex drive just as long as this is perfect and you guys stay out of my hair."

I tapped my bald head and grinned mischieviously at our agent. "It would be a lot easier on you if you were me."

She rolled her eyes and ushered us out not finding my joke funny. i was chuckling under my breath. i thought it was pretty good. We sat in the seats assigned to us and i slipped on my glasses. These lyrics were really good and I couldnt wait to sing my part. I listened as the music erupted through the room and then a deep strong voice fill the air.

"She wants me to come over,  I can tell her eyes don't lie, she's calling me in the dark  shes moving us where the room araund the lights turn like the sky     conflicted like a rock star"

i cleared my throat clutching my copy of the lyrics tight as i began to sing taking Nathan's voice.

"i wanna put my hands on her hands feel the heat from her skin.   get reckless in the starlight  im moving to the beat of her heart  i was so lost until tonight, tonight"

I turned to see Tom smiling as he pressed the microphone to his lips. I did the same as we all sang together. the best part of the song.

"I found you in the darkest hour. i found you in the pouring rain.    i found you when i was all i need and your love pulled me back again.   found your little river of pure emotions. i found you my only truth.  i found you with the music playing. i was lost until i found you you you. til i found you you you."

then Tom's Bolton voice filled the room like it usually does as he sang his solo without messing up for the hundreth time.

"the night is getting older and i cant come off this high.  i dont want this here to end. i know she feels the same cause i can see it in her eyes.   she says can we start again."  

Then it was nathan's turn and I watched as Olivia closed her eys melting into the song and our voices.

"i said people we're all looking for love tonight but sometimes we cant see it.   we run by and find the love and we all get lost yeah we all get lost.  searching for that peice of mine.  just when i have given up looking for some kind inside thats when i found you."   

We finished the song and pulled our headphones off waiting for Jayne to say something. Waiting for Martin to say something. Anything.

But they didnt instead they hugged Olivia and waved at us calling back to us to have a terrific night. i grinned. It was perfect. we could leave.

I began to put my bass away as Tom walked up to me. his expresion was intense.

"Can I talk to you, Mate?"

I nodded and followed him into one of the back rooms. the minute i closed the door he sat down throwing his head into his hands. "I dont know what to do." he mumbled.

"Let me guess... Olivia?"

He nodded and ran a hand through his hair. "I want to be with her but this bet is ruining things. i didnt think i could fall so far, i mean, i thought it was all fun and games but..."

I laughed and sat beside him. Time to play Daddy Max. "are you in love with her?"

He groaned and nodded his head looking at me with a look i had never seen before not even with Kelsey. "Help." he muttered weakly and i smiled.

"Tom if you love her tell her i bet she feels the same."

"How do you know? What if she doesnt?"

I winked at TomTom and i could feel a little piece of my heart break. things you do for your best friend.

"Trust me I know"


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