Jay in a Candy Shop

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Nathan's POV

As we walked into the store I couldnt help but smile. Thousands and thousands of hats stood on shelves and racks and platforms. millions of different colors, types, and sizes. Sara must of saw my smile because she laughed grabbing my hand.

"You look like a little boy in a candy shop."

I laughed.

"Or better yet jay in a candy shop."

Sara's laughed echoed beautifully on the walls as she recognized my skittles joke. mum always said if a girl likes your jokes then shes a definite keeper.

"Cmon, choose one."

she gestured towards the gangster style hats like the one i was currently wearing and I was off. It took me two hours to choose and i finally settled on a blue and white one that read Nathan on it, a purple one with two green eyes peeping out of the rim; drawn so artistically well it looked real, and a black hat that had the chasing the sun symbol on it; one that i had actually designed myself.

Sara laughed and grabbed my arm. she seemed to be having a fun time too trying on hats with me and taking thousands of pictures on that camera she insists on carrying. "I'm only buying one, Nath." she teased and i frowned playfully. "oh come on you love me."

"Not that much."

"Yes you do." i teased.

"Only one Nath."

"But Sara..." i pouted like a little kid but she was determined. i would be too. they were sixty bucks a piece. Finally we decided that she would buy the Nathan hat and I bought the other two. after all a guy cant have too many hats.

120 dollars well spent.

Afterwards i insisted on buying her lunch. we went to this little place called Sara's Pastries and crawled into a purple vinyl seat.

She laughed and started to take pictures of her surroundings as I orders chocolate crepes and pigs in a blankets.

"Let me see." i asked curious about her pictures.

she blushed and shook her head. "I dont think so."

now i was even more curious. quickly i snatched it out of her hands much to her displeasure and held it out of her reach.

"nathan give it back."

"Sara, please, i wont judge i promise."

Finally she relented and collapsed in her seat. triumphantly i scanned through her pictures. they were really really good. the lighting, the contrast, the image itself was intense. the pictures of me looked like i was professionly modeled.

"these are really good. Nicely sara." i complimented.

Sara blushed and fiddled with her fork.

"thanks, i really like to take pictures."

i gazed at her my love for her growing.

"Then you should do that... in fact would you like to be The Wanted's personal photographer?"

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