Your Just an Average Joe

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Olivia's POV

The party was incredible. Blue and Green lights glittered, reflected, and bounced off the dance floor. A huge disco ball spun in the middle of the ceiling covered in dangling spider webs. Posters of all the scariest monster villians glowed on the walls and Bewitched blasted from the speakers.

The drinks were green and smoking, the food looked strange and yet delicious. Tom even had shots of Bloody Maries in IV Pouches. It was unbelievable.

It was perfect.

The best thing was everyone was in costumes. There were clowns, which I avoid at all costs; ghosts, vampires, Elvis, Tarzans, Disco Stu, marvel heroes, video game villians, prostitutes, doctors, zombies, witches, werewolves, Edwards and Bellas, and even a guy dressed up as The Matrix. I didn't know anyone and they didnt know me but because we couldn't recognize anyways we acted like we were all friends.

Which knowing Tom, every last person in here was a contact on either his phone or his twitter.

"This is just what I wanted." I smiled and Tom chuckled pulling me into his arms. He really made a hot John Travolta.

"Anytime Sandy..."

I gasped. "You do watch Grease!"

"Yes, just don't tell the boys." he whispered in my ear and I kissed him letting him lead me in a slow dance even though the song doesn't really call for slow dancing.

"You got me bewitched and I'm under your spell oh oh oh. you must be a withc cuz i am living in hell oh oh oh. Now is the time now is the hour i am the magic i am the power of..."

"I love you, Olivia." he whispered and I blushed as he cupped my face, kissing me tenderly. just like every time electricity tingled up my body as a blush heated on my face.

He rested his forhead against mine, our noses brushing.

"Happy birthday."

We danced for a little bit longer, content in eachother's arms. Finally, i was pulled away by Jay to take an IV Shot with him. Tom kissed my forhead and left me to go use the restroom. I sighed and glared at Jay.

"I was having a moment with Tom and you ruined it."

He rolled his eyes. "You were having that moment for a whole two songs now its my turn."

He handed me a shot and I slit open the bag downing the dark red liquid. It was cool and sweet and I instantly downed another.

"these are so cool." I muttered and jay laughed.

"Tom can get creative."

"your telling me."

I downed one more and headed off to find Tom. Nathan found me first and drew me in for a dance. A drunk and laughing Sara was dancing with Max. I gazed at Nathan wide eyed.

"Sara's drunk!"

he frowned. "I know she liked the idea of the bloody Mary. before I could stop her, she and Max had downed twelve."


"A piece."

I laughed as they twirled eachother around, tripping over the other ones feet. "Oh my god and Jay has cameras everywhere recording everything live."

Nathan smiled at me a chuckle escaping his lips. "Poor, Sara. She'll never hear the end of this."

Just then she walked over all cat like and whipped the ground at Nathan's feet. He stared at her with wide eyes.

"Meow!" she hissed pawing at the air in front of nathan. Max laughed so hard mhe snorted out his coke.

"I fucking love that shit!" he wheezed and i rolled my eyes.

I coan't believe Sara got drunk before I did.

She ran her finger down Nathan's chest and wrapped her whip around his waist pulling him to her. "Come and play Batman."

Nathan blushed and cleared his throat as she led him away. "Ok." he croaked and I laughed. he definitely had his hands full.

I made my way through the crowd and to the bathroom. I cleared my throat and knocked. No answer. I turned the knob and the door opened. It was unlocked. Smiling I walked in.

"Tom are you ok?"

I turned the corner and heard the patter of moving feet. frowning I flicked on the lights.

Tom was there but he wasn't alone.

Pressed against him, her hands wrapped around his shoulders, his back against the wall, her shirt unbottoned exposing her bra; was Kelsey.

"Oh, so you are ok." I mumbled, blinking. Tom was in  a dark bathroom with his ex girlfriend practically grinding against him. I should have known. this always happens to me.

I just thought he could be different.

Choking back tears, I smiled falsly. "have fun with my ex boyfriend, kels." I whispered and turned around.

"Olivia!" I heard Tom shout but I was already out the door. The bathroom door reopened as he followed me out.

"Olive Tree! Wait!"

I couldn't look at him. I couldn't speak. My heart was breaking in two and he was to blame. He made me fall in love with him when I was just a tool to get with his ex girlfriend. He made me think he actually loved me.

God I was an idiot.

Suddenly, my arm was grabbed and I was pulled out the Exit door. Tom made me face him, his eyes dark and sad. he was so beautiful I couldn't stand it.

"Olivia! We didn't do anything." he insisted and I huffed.

'Of course not Tom because I interrupted you guys didn't I? I thought you were different. I was wrong. You may be a pop star but in the end your just an average Joe. i've been cheated on way too many times and I can't believe I thought you of all people would be different. I guess I was wrong to think I actually meant anything to you."

Tom grabbed my arm gently but I yanked it away. I started to cry as I pushed him as far from me as possible. He stumbled but didn't lose his balance. he gazed at me with somber eyes.

"Have fun with Kelsey.' I spat and then i was gone.





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