The Bet

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Olivia's POV

i cant believe i let myself agree to this. i cant believe i let that sexy grin get under my skin. i cant believe he saw me naked in the shower!

now don't get me wrong i'm not ugly but I'm no model either. im kindof chunky but i have curves and a rather large cup size. my hair is brunette naturally but i dye it every six months but its brown at this moment. i have a large open smile, i am on the short side, and i have an olive complexion. i also have the most amazing green eyes, my favorite feature. i was not bad looking and unfortunately Tom seemed to think so to.

I love Tom Parker but like i said before i was too stubborn for my own good. so when he offered me that bet i quickly agreed if not out of anger then out of the rush of trying to get him out of the bathroom i was currently occupying.

The bet: he could win me over in a month, have me fall for him and in his bed.

i argued and secretly i already won. He won me over a long time ago and technically i was already in his bed but i knew what he meant and it wasnt going to happen. he was just on the rebound after kelsey left him for his brother and i wasnt going to be that girl.

so if he wins he gets a hundred dollars and i have to do whatever he says for a day and if i win he has to go on stage at his next concert in his underwear and confess his love to Nathan... funny I know oh and i get a  hundred dollars.

The game was afoot.

i heard a knock on the door of the guest room that i was assigned and then the creak that signaled someone walking in. i spun around to see Jayne. i smiled.

"Hi, Jayne, what are you doing here?"

"To check on you actually. Are you okay?" she looked like a concerned mother hen so i nodded in hopes to cease her worry. "So what are my plans for today?" i asked her changing the subject. she began to check things off on her fingers.

"Well, Max is visiting kin, Siva has a day out with Nareesha, Nathan and Sara are sightseeing, You and Tom are to get along this afternoon and go sightseeing, and Jay has to redo his People picture."

she glared at the door and i knew Jay was behind it.

"Not my fault the camera was moving around not me!" he protested but even i knew that was a lie. he cant stand still for a photoshoot if his life deppended on it and it probably did.

Then i realized what she had said.

"I am stuck with Tom all afternoon?"

Three hours later it was just Tom, Sara, Nathan and i left at the flat. nathan stood up and stretched exposing a tad bit of abdomin. Sara smiled shyly. i knew they liked each other already. "So do you guys want to split up or spend the day together?"

"Together." I shouted at the same time as Tom sounded out, "Apart."

Nathan laughed and we put it to a vote. Nathan, sara, and Tom voted seperate. i voted together. i lost. so sara stood up and walked over to me. "We are going to get dressed then we'll leave in an hour. you guys plan our activities because we have no idea where to go or what to do." sara concluded and before i could protest she dragged me upstairs. once in her guest room she started throwing clothes at me, whether trying to pick me out something to wear or for her to wear.

"You have to look sexy, Olivia, make him want you, you can use it to your advantage." she spoke and i raised an eyebrow. "Sara?" she sighed. "Tom told us about the bet." i groaned and then paused looking at my best friend. "Then why are you on my side? wouldnt you be on Tom's since you know how i actually feel about him?" Sara blushed and threw me a pretty green summer dress that matched my eyes.

"Well, Nathan and I kind of have this bet going on your bet." i raised an eyebrow wanting to know details. she continued. "I bet that you would win the bet and he betted on  Tom. you know how best friends are so we bet three hundred on you guys so dont make me lose!"

"three hundred dollars sara are you insane?" i exclaimed. she glared at me shoving me out the door.

"At least i aint gambling my virginity!"

i frowned and threw on my pretty flats before marching into the bathroom. that was true. Tom parker cant win and neither can Nathan Sykes. sara and I have to win and i was going to no matter what.

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