The Dare Off

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Olivia's POV

We went to rehearsal all day working on new songs, lyrics and the music that goes along with it. now at three in the afternoon we were back home doing nothing... nothing at all. Just sitting here waiting on the pizza to get here. I was still mad at Tom but not as much as I was before. I mean it wasnt his fault the girl threw herself at him.

"I have to do something. We have to do something!" i exclaimed throwing my head into Max's lap, my feet dangling off the couch arm.  Max chuckled and began to play with my hair.

"so what do you suggest we do then love?"

i thought for a moment before shrugging. "I dunno." I mumbled. All went silent again.

"How about a Dare Off?"

I sat up, raising an eyebrow at Tom. he was smirking. "i love it!" Jay exclaimed and Nathan nodded his head. Max shrugged, "im in." i had no idea what they are talking about. i looked at Max and he took the hint.

"A dare off is where we play a set of dares for the cameras and the last person to back out wins. its really fun but the dares do get a little over the edge."

I smiled, aww, something to do.

"Im so in."

Five minutes later we were ready. Jay was setting the camera up, Eesha and Sara was going to film since Sara didnt want to play and Eesha had promised never to do it again. Plus, Sara promised to film so Jay can play. Tom walked over to me, spinning me around so I was face to face with him.

"wanna make this interesting?"

"You know it."

"If I win you have to spend the night with me and if you win i will call of our original bet." he smirked. i raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you think i want the bet to be called off?" i asked my heart pounding in my chest. tom chuckled then leaned forward, his lips barely brushing mine, his heated breath carressing my cheek.

"because you are going to lose."

Jay called us over and we stood in front of the camera. Jay quickly introduced the rules of the game and Sara and I. The we began. Siva started us off.

"I dare you to lick the person beside you foot."

Tom laughed and picked up my foot. I squirmed. "Easy. I licked Siva's foot and you smell better then he does." he announced then he licked my foot. i laughed and kicked, trying to pull my foot away.

stupid Siva.

Max quickly licked Nathan's foot and Jay licked Max's.Siva licked Jay's.  Hastily and with my eyes closed i licked Tom's sock. I so have to brush my teeth after this. Nathan was the last one to lick anyone's foot and he had a look of disgust on his face. 

"Your turn olivia. Choose a dare. A good one." Siva announced.

i paused thinking before standing up.  Everyone followed me out the door. I led them to the balcony on the second floor right above the pool.

"I dare you to jump off this ledge and into the pool." and without hesitation and a wink at Tom, i jumped.

The water met me with a blast of bitterness. I gasped and pulled myself to the surface just as Tom splashed in next to me.  Then Jay then Max then Siva. Nathan frowned at us from above.

"I dont think I am going to do that." he mumbled and threw his hands up. "im out." he called. The lads hoorahed and we were down a player. N

ow Jay chose the dare.

Jay smiled and led us back to the kitchen where he began to blend. Leftover pizza, asparagus, orange juice, peppers, milk, cookie dough, gummy worms, cherrios, celery, carrots, and tapioca pudding. It turned out to look like puke. then he, Eesha, and Nathan sat the shot glasses in front of each of us. i looked down at the goo.

"I dare you to drink this... all of it. The whole blender."

Siva immediately stood up.

"I dont think so mate i want to live and keep my girlfriend. Im out."

we booed him before settling down. Max, Jay, and I looked at Tom. He smiled. "Well, might as well." then he shot it straight down. Sara gagged and Nathan high fived him as I shot mine down then Max then Jay. Shot after shot was delivered and I was beginning to feel nascious.

Finally it was down and we were down to four.

Max's turn to dare.

"I dare you to strip down to your underwear and run down the street to the streetpost and back."

I blushed and fingered my shirt. i wasnt much of a shy person but i still wasnt fond of stripping in front of the camera and The Wanted. Tom smirked at me.

"sorry, love, i guess you can call out and i can win our little bet now but to tell you the truth youre not hiding anything i havent already seen."

I glared and made up my mind. hastily i began to strip as i walked out the door. tom and Max followed. Jay stayed behind refusing to get naked like a porn star. we raced down the street and back as told and i couldnt help but laugh. i was going to win if i could do this i  could do it all.

"Oops, I had my hand over the camera lense I didnt ge the streak." Sara pointed out with a wink at me.

I love my best friend. So i was not going to be seen naked on Wanted Wednesday. good to know.

Max plopped down on the porch. "Im out too mate. Im exhausted. Its down to you too and its Tom's dare." We all turned to tom.

  He smiled evilly.

"I dare you to jump off the roof."

I paled as i looked up at the three story flat. There was no way...

"only if you do it first." i smarted and Tom hesitated before shrugging.

"Ok, whatever."

we followed him up to the roof and watched with awe as he climbed onto the ledge. "Tom... just pick another dare." i bargained coming closer to him. S

uddenly he grabbed my face and kissed me with an intensity that shocked even me.


then he fell and i lunged forward only to see his head pop up from the black abyss they call a pool. i sighed in  relief. "You win, Tom!" i shouted and watched as he did a cartwheel in the pool.

I climbed down the stairs and met Tom half way, throwing my arms around him. he stumbled chuckling and pulled me closer to him. i would never say it but i was worried when he jumped.

he will never NEVER know.

"You know,  you cant make me do anything that will make me lose my bet." I concluded and he smiled, fiddling with my hair.

"I know but I wont be taking my winnings tonight."

 He winked before kissing my cheek softly. "And its going to be one hell of a night when i do."

I rolled my eyes, grroaning.

What did i just agree to?


This was by far my favorite chapter to write!!! So I hope you guys liked it as much as I did.

Would You Rather spend one night with Nathan Sykes in a tent or spend a night with Tom Parker in a car? Leave your answer as a comment!!!

FYI I would choose Tom Parker hands down!!!

Peace, Love, and All Things The Wanted

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