Calling All Kelseys

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Tom's POV

I looked up as rain poured from the sky onto me. I felt like screaming, cussing, kicking, and throwing the biggest Tom Tantrum the world has ever seen...

but I didn't.

Nathan looked at me wide eyed as I sat down on the muddy ground and leaned my head against the car. This day was not going as planned. I was supposed to be at the flat by now chilling with Max and waiting for Olivia to finish getting ready so we could get hammered.

Instead I was on the ground in the pouring rain with Nathan staring at me as if he expected me to go into a nervous breakdown.

"Stop looking at me."

Nath shook his head and plopped down beside me.

"You seem to be taking this better then I thought you would." he observed.

I sighed. "Ijust need a cigarette." I mumbled reaching into my coat pocket. I needed to smoke. Get rid of the stress that was building and I'll be fine. I can not freak out. I pulled the package out and looked inside.


My blood began to boil inside me, my skin began to tingle, my eyes began to ache, and my head started to pound. I jumped up and started to kick my tires, the ground, the front fender.

"Mother fucker! Damn you! Stupid bloody car! Fuck! shit! Damn! Bitch!" I chanted screaming out every cuss word I knew. I threw the pack down and started to jump on it, slamming it into the dirt.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

Finally, I threw myself down face first into the wet grass. It was cool and scratchy against my face but it calmed me down a bit. My breathing slowly went back to normal and I closed my eyes.

"What are we going to do, Nathan?" I mumbled into the dirt.

I felt a tug at the back of my shirt and I let him yank me up out of the wet earth.

"I thought you had all the plans?" he snapped.

Well, I did have a plan. The only person who could come up here on such short notice. the only number I have memorized beside my own. I wasn't going to like it. in fact I was dreading the possibility putting it off.

But I had to get home tonight.

Sighing I stood up, holding out my hand.

"Give me your phone. I'm going to walk out into the street for signal. I have a plan."

Nathan handed me his phone. "What's the plan?"

I sighed and started walking out into the street.

"Kelsey Hardwick."

Five minutes later, she pulled up beside my broken down piece of shit.

I had to admit she looked good. Her blond hair was loose around her shoulders, her jeans tight and her shirt exposed her midriff. she wore a large leather jacket and sunglasses. Her smile was wide and made me really uneasy.

After all i broke up with her.

"So you wrecked? are you guys ok?" she called out giving Nathan a small hug and looking at me nervously.

I nodded.

"Can you give us a lift home? we'll call the tow truck when we get home but I have a very important date." Nathan asked bringing out his puppy dog eyes. Kelsey laughed.

"Well, we can't let you miss your very important date."

Grateful, we followed her to the car and quietly, and I mean not a word was spoken, we headed home.

It was around midnight when we got home. I didn't realize we were that lost until we got back into town. I closed my eyes before unbuckling. Olivia is probably worried.

Nathan looked depressed. He had his hood up, his head down, and his hands in his pockets.

"Another chance gone." he muttered and I clasped his shoulder. Poor guy. He doesn't know it but he already has Sara. So he doesn't have to try so bloody hard to grab her attention.

I opened my mouth to say so when the front door burst open. A short brunette with wide green eyes hurried to us, a worried frown perched on her lips. I couldn't help but laugh as she threw herself into my arms.

"What took you so long? What happened to your car? Are you guys ok?" she prattled looking up at me with beautiful doe like eyes.

"We're fine, Olive. The car broke down and my phone was lost that's all."

"What do you mean your car broke down?"

I laughed and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Quit worrying I'm back to cause more trouble." I teased.

Kelsey cleared her throat.

Olivia and I turned to her and she smiled. "Hi, I'm Kelsey."

Olivia just stared back at her.

"Kelsey this is Olivia." I sighed introducing my present girlfriend to my ex girlfriend. No guy should ever have to do that.

Kelsey's smile faded as she looked Olivia up and down. This was getting a bit awkward.

"Thanks kelsey for the ride home, i appreciate it."

Kelsey's grin returned and she rested her hand on my arm. I gazed down at it before lookingat her. What is she doing?

"Your welcome. you should get in touch more. you still have my number?"

I nodded and she gave me a half hug much to my uneasyness and olivia's annoyance.

"Well, chow."

Then she was gone leaving me alone to deal with the jealous girlfriend drama.

"Me and Kelsey are through." I told Olivia. She nodded.

"I know."

She walked into the house without so much as a glace in my direction. She headed upstairs to our room and I followed my uneasiness growing.

"Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing Tom." she snapped and I winced.

"Something is up. Just tell me! Are you jealous of Kelsey?"

Oops wrong thing to say. She stood up, eyes like daggers, her frown back on her face. She was pissed. She was beyond pisssed.

"I am not jealous of that girl, Thomas! I am upset because you called her! You didn't think to call me, not once! I was worried! I haven't seen you all day and all night, no texting, no calling, no nothing, and then you show up muddy and wet and not in your own car!"

"Olivia..." I started to apologize but she caught me off with a sigh.

"Look I was worried. Insanely worried. I wanted to call the police. Just..." she stopped and I saw tears trailing down her pale cheeks. Quickly I wrapped her in my arms, cradling her to my chest.

"I'm sorry, love, I'm sorry." I murmured and she let out a soft sob. I was such an asshole. I made her cry.

I made Olivia cry.

"Just call me next time ok?"

I nodded and she sniffed looking up at me, her green eyes brimmed with tears.

"There's nothing going on between you and her?"

I looked down at the one girl that means the world to me and kissed her softly on the lips. i smiled softly.

"Absolutely nothing."

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