Shirlene, the Skittle Lover

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  • Dedicated to Squirlie-Jo Green


this chapter is dedicated to my sister Shirlene as well as all the other chapters with Shirlene in it! Comment please!


Olivia rushed over to hug her sister as the boys and I climbed out. I was still pretty pissed about my skittled but I couldn't help checking out the new girl. My eyes widened and I quickly did a double take.

She had long straight hair streaked with pink, purple, blue, and white. Her eyes were a twinkling blue, her skin delicate and smooth, her hips curvy, her legs long, and her smile sweet. Damn. she definitely did not take after her sister.

"I'm sorry, Sissie! Didn't mean to miss your flight!" Olivia squealed and Sissie rolled her eyes, embracing her sister.

"you didn't. My plane landed earlier then scheduled."

Then she turned to us and grinned, waving her hand. "Hi, I'm Shirlene and I'm a massive fan."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Not again." he mumbled and Olivia slapped him playfully.

"TomTom, grab Sissie's luggage."

He groaned but did as his new girlfriend said and I smiled at Shirlene. "I'm Jay." I held out my hand but Max beat me to it.

"I'm Daddy Max, at your service."

Nathan rolled his eyes as we started to slap eachother's hands turning it into a big fake slap fight... which, with Max, happens all the time.

"I'm Nath and this is Siva."

She laughed and took his hand first much to my disappointment. Stupid Max. I bet he's the one who stole my skittles.

"Hi, boys. Can I just say Jay your like my favorite. Amazingly funny and totally dig the hair."

I laugh and shot Max a triumphant look. Ha ha, bout time I was someone's favorite and not just mine and Tom's.

We followed Tom and Olivia inside and into the living room where Tom plopped her bags down with ease. He sat down in the recliner with a tired look in his eyes. Olivia laughed at him.

"Tom, you weren't down. these go in the guestroom next to Jay's."

"But I just sat down!" he pouted.

"Just do it."

"Isn't that your room?" I asked, frowning at her. she paused for a moment, thinking. Then she shrugged nonchalantly.

"I thought I'd sleep in Tom's room. I pretty much do anyways because of you."

I laughed as Tom jumped up picking up Shirlene's suitcase. "Yes, ma'am." he smirked and I grabbed the remaining two. Olivia chuckled at his eagerness in her sleeping arangements.

"I'll help, Parker."

Some time later, we were all settled and showered and everyone was in their assigned rooms. I couldn't sleep. I stared up at the ceiling wondering where my skittles was. I checked Tom's dresser but it wasn't there. I checked Max's, Siva's, even Nath's but no Skittles.

I swear I checked every room in this house. my Skittles had disappeared.

Sighing, I climbed out of bed and plugged my camera into my computer. I scanned through the videos looking for one I didn't make.

Ondo (London)

Have a Good Hair Day Tom

The Big Bus and The Red Nose

Paris City of Luurve

Auf Weidersehen

Hellooooo Wembley


Sleepy Tom


I paused and rolled my eyes. "Found it." I muttered and clicked on the video. Sara's face popped up on the screen, a wide smile on her face.

"Happy Wanted Wednesday, TWFanmily. Does everyone love Jay? Well, we don’t. So we’re switching Tom’s underwear drawer… With Jay’s skittle drawer."

I watched in horror as they took away my Skittles. I knew Tom and Olivia had to be in on it but Sara? I taught her every prank I knew. I was her teacher, her sensai, her friend.

I taught her well.

Skimming through the rest of the video I found where my Skittles were stashed. stretching I turned the lap top off and headed out the door. I want my candy back.

"Come in." she called and I barged in on Shirlene, ripping open her closet and finding the abandoned dresser identical to mine.

"What the hell, Jay?" she mused and I ignored her opening the drawers hastilly.

"Aha!" I squealed and pulled out my beautiful, lovingly, well missed, skittles. Shirlene leaned forward and smiled at me then at the drawer.

"I absolutely love Skittles."

I can't believe it. Beautiful, funny, confident, and loves the same rainbow fruity treat? I think I found the love of my life!

"Shirlene I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." I grinned and offered her a Skittle. She plopped down on her bed and patted the seat beside her.

"You sleepy?"

"Not by a long shot." I answered. She grinned.

"Wanna watch Avatar?"

Ok, I was right. She is the love of my life. I sat down beside her and we turned on the TV, getting lost in another world filled with blue people, Skittles, and a purple comforter. I have found my dream girl.

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