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Warning: this is  the second book in a series!!!

This also will journey through all of the books / movies, just be warned, so if you don't like that here's your forewarning. I'll do my best to keep you posted on any updates.

I don't own the Harry Potter series or any of the characters! Repeat! The story nor the characters belong to me!

⚠️Other warnings⚠️

There will be some inconsistent uploads with school and personal life, also I wouldn't recommend skipping chapters because you may miss something in the next chapter mentioned in previous ones, also foreshadowing.

There will be some swearing in this so if that bothers you ... you've been warned. I'll be adding some original characters in so yeah.

As well as things like you your wand, Animagus form and owl, those will be up to me and I apologize if it's not what you want but, I can't make it fit everyone cause were all different, so I'll be tailoring it towards what I got on pottermore. (Sorry) With all this being said I hope you enjoy this story I'm gonna try to keep it as close as I can but including the reader as well. If things go off the normal story this is a fanfiction so try not to get too pissed.
Lastly and probably most importantly, if you don't understand something comment on that part and I'll explain what/why I'd did what I did if it had a purpose.


Thank you for reading this little A/n

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now