"What?" You furrow your brows, feeling a tight, uncomfortable sensation starting to creep through your chest. "What are you—?"

"Don't act like you don't know." Jimin's voice breaks of its icy mask, letting the slightest bit of emotion seep through. It almost sounds like reproach, as if you'd hurt him in some way and he resents you for it. But even if it hasn't clicked yet, you know you've hurt someone else even more severely. "Taehyung is in the kitchen. Get there quickly." Jimin repeats, saying so as if he's trying to get back into the flow of some type of script.

"Okay," you nod, observing him with a bit of worry, "okay." You wait for him to look you in the face once more, but he doesn't. "Is everything alright? Did Taehyung call me? What is this?" You ask, trying to step up to him but surprised to see he doesn't let you. He holds out his hands and steps back as soon as you move your foot. "What does Namjoon know, Jimin? Why are you acting like this?"

"Get there quickly." Is all he follows up with.

"Is he okay?" You begin worrying even more, your legs already moving you towards the doors before you even realize. "You're acting really weird Jimin, just tell me what's going on!" You pause right before exiting the eerie room, turning around to see Jimin is still standing where he was. Why isn't he following you? Shouldn't he be? "Jimin!"

"My words were simple." Jimin's eyes stay on the stained floor, seemingly lost in thought. He sounds like a robot, you think. Why is he acting this way? What's wrong with him? "Do you not understand what 'get there quickly' means?"

"What's with you? Seriously." You shake your head, deciding its best to just step out and make your way to the kitchen like he asks before you really make him upset. Out in the hallway, all you can think about is Taehyung. What does he have to do with all of this? Is he okay? Why is it so important that you go to the kitchen where he is?

This isn't about 'Busan', calm down..
— I really hope so.. This doesn't feel right

You don't have the silver tree-engraved ring on your finger anymore. After Jungkook asked you about it yesterday night before going to sleep, you put it under some shirts in one of your drawers and locked it. Luckily, you were able to come up with a quick lie for Jungkook, but you can't risk anyone else not believing you. Especially RM or Taehyung.

"Hey, Y/N—! Woah,"
"Where'd you get that from?"
"What—? Oh, this?"
"Yeah. Did you get it in Busan? I'd never seen you wear any jewelry other than the bangle before."
"Yeah, I did get it in Busan. I liked the—um, the tree."
"It looks cool."

The house is too quiet. You notice this as you quietly walk down the hallways, clearly able to hear your thoughts in your confused mind. Usually, they'd be interrupted by some type of yelling or laughing or even sometimes the television screens blasting somewhere. Today, however, it's as if no one's here. But you don't remember anyone saying they'd be going out.

This takes a quick three-hundred-sixty degree turn, though. The closer you get to the kitchen, the more angry voices you hear.

"I DON'T KNOW, OKAY!" You hear Taehyung's voice yell. "SHE WAS GONNA DO IT ANYWAY!"

"What the..?" You walk a little faster. Your heart begins to pound a little harder, and with every passing second and muffled word, your pace quickly becomes a run. As soon as you come up to the wide kitchen doorway, your heart drops.

"WHY?!" Jin yells angrily, swinging his fist to hit Taehyung hard right across the face. It seems to have taken Taehyung completely by surprise.


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