twenty eight

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"What the hell happened to me?"

"L-Let me go," You stutter, clenching your fist in order to stay calm enough not to yell at him. After all, the job is to try and keep him calm. If you get altered, chances are he's gonna take that energy and multiply it a hundred times. You can't even think to risk that. "You're hurting me, Jungkook. Let me go,"

"I'm not asking you again." He keeps his stubborn hold on your weak arm, not moving his eyes away from yours whatsoever. Your heart starts pounding even more uncomfortably and you try moving your arm a little in hopes to loosen it. That doesn't work. He pulls you even closer, strengthening his grip. "What happened to me?" You can see in his eyes that you're not moving unless you answer his question, but you know that's something you can't do. There's no telling how he'll react.

"Please," You pull away a little harder, using up the tiny bit of strength you still have left. He doesn't budge. If anything, he seems go get a little more upset the longer you go without spitting out the words he wants to hear. "Let me go, this isn't necessary—JIN! SEOKJIN!"

"I said don't call him!" Jungkook snaps at you, aggressively gritting his teeth as the words pass through them almost with a growl. You wince, feeling as if you're going to collapse any minute—you have no support to be kept upright, it's only a matter of moments before your muscles give out.

"Jungguk!" Jin finally rushes into the room, making his way straight to you and prying Jungkook's hand off of your arm, gently taking your shoulders and moving you away from the edge of the bed, handing you your cane. "You okay?" He asks, watching as you breathe a little heavier and look down at the polished floor without saying a word. You nod, keeping your eyes low. Jin immediately turns to Jungkook, "What the hell? What was that for?!"

"Jin," You look up at him, keeping your voice calm even though your heart still hasn't quite gotten the message that everything's dialed down now. "It's fine." You assure, taking a quick glance over at Jungkook, "He's just confused. It's not his fault, I'm fine."

Both Jin and Jungkook furrow their brows at you, each with their own separate reasons for becoming puzzled. "When did he wake up?" He asks, on second thought turning to Jungkook before you could even open your mouth to answer him. "When did you wake up?"

"What the hell happened to me?" Jungkook disregards his question, asking again the one he's so desperate to hear the answer for. "She wouldn't fucking tell me, so you tell me." He shoves Jin's arm, clearly not the happiest. "Huh, hyung? What the fuck happened to me?!"

Jin takes his cellphone out of his pocket and quickly presses a contact which you can't see. Only a few seconds after he puts the device up to his ear, the mystery contact answers the call. "Hey, I'm sending Y/N to your office. That cool?" A small, quiet, muffled voice replies through the tiny speakers. "Great. Thanks." Jin hangs up the call, turning to look at you and opening his mouth to say what you can already imagine. He's cut off by Jungkook, who doesn't very seem amused that he was ignored at all.

"Hey! I asked you a ques—!"

"You shut up." Jin cuts him off, apparently not having much patience left at the moment. He turns back to you, "Go to RM's office. I'll take care of this. The medicines must've made him sensitive to getting upset quickly. I don't want you in here, he's already worked up."

"Oh, okay." You nod, already starting to walk towards the exit. Clearly both of them are pretty snappy right now, so being with RM has never sounded any better to you. The walk down the hall towards RM's fancy office is pretty silent, only the sound of your cane hitting the polished floor below you being heard bouncing down the several walls ahead. The house is eerily quiet as a whole, you notice. Usually, you could at least hear the muffled sounds of voices while walking down any hallway, but today you couldn't even hear that.

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