twenty seven

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Syeol Family Household.

"Let it go, Jay." Chaenlo exhales, shaking his head and slumping back in his chair, tired of having this conversation with his younger brother. "Just let it go. Please. Stop throwing salt on the damn wound, that's enough." He sighs, looking over glumly at a portrait resting on the small coffee table in front of him. "Y/N is dead.. She's dead."

"Chaen, if you would just fucking listen to m—"

"No." Chaenlo cuts him off, his voice strained, clearly growing distressed with the still-hurtful topic. Jaeyoung stops talking, looking over at Chaenlo's saddened face and feeling his own chest grow tight. "No, Jaeyoung. I won't listen to you. For once, you listen to me." Chaenlo shifts his jaw, fighting back a pair of tears. "You didn't hear her, you didn't hear how scared she was.."


"She said if they killed her, we got to live." Chaenlo continues, beginning to fall apart just having those words leave his mouth, bringing back a memory he wish would just go away and leave his dreams alone. "You didn't hear that, so you don't get to keep coming at me with these stupid hopes and bullshit theories that just end up hurting us. Enough! Just let this go, alright?!"

Jaeyoung keeps quiet for a few seconds, still having a lot more to say, but realizing it'd be better to simply keep his brother at peace. "Alright."

Bangtan HQ.

"Alright, doll. I gotta go next door and finish up what I started this morning so, I'll leave him to you. He might wake up, it's about time for the meds to wear off. The forty eight hours are almost up, and Kook's always been the type to defy the time stamps on my containers anyway. If he does, just keep him down, don't alter him—and if he doesn't stay calm for whatever reason, yell for me."

"Okay." You nod, looking up at Jin as he begins to walk towards the door while taking off his blue rubber gloves and tossing them in the little metal trash can next to your working table. As usual, you're just quietly sorting pills. "If he wakes up, I'll let you know."

"Hey, uh—Are you good with me leaving you in here?" He pauses, pointing at your cane and raising an eyebrow at you, realizing that maybe it wasn't the best idea to leave you in here alone in case Jungkook does wake up in a complete frenzy. "D'you want me to call Jimin or J?"

"No, no. I'm fine," You assure, giving him a genuine nod. "I mean, the odds of him waking up are fifty-fifty and you're one room over. No need to bother the guys, they're probably all doing their own thing. I don't want them in here all mad, giving me shit for not being able to stand here by myself, you know?"

"Fair enough." Jin nods, the corners of his lips downturning slightly. "Okay, then. If anything happens let me know and remember to take your pills in.." he looks down at his wristwatch, "twenty minutes."

"Yes, sir." You pick up the small container with your name scribbled on it in red marker-pen on a sticker. "Got it. Twenty minutes. And if I don't take them, I will be 'put back to sleep with an IV' until I'm 'completely better again to avoid risks' and get me 'back on the job' quicker."

"Attagirl, memorized and all." Jin chuckles, finding your robotic sounding voice as you said that amusing.

"Well, how am I not supposed to memorize that when you say it to me a million times a day." You follow his chuckle, pushing your little pill container to the side and continuing your peaceful sorting. "Go. I'll be fine."

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