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You're strictly told to rest in your room for the rest of the afternoon/night. While you're asleep, Jin leaves medications on your nightstand for you to take when you wake up abruptly, which happens frequently because of the trauma. You drift in a out of sleep, taking the unknown pills and drinking lots of water for the entire night.

The next morning.

Detaching from a blank dream, you slowly open your eyes into tired wakefulness. The unfamiliar ceiling is the first thing you see. Yes, you're still trapped here. Unfortunately, you can't just simply wake up from this particular nightmare for it to be over.

Immediately, you sense another presence in the room—you quickly turn your head to see Yoongi sitting down in a fancy cushioned chair similar to the ones in the 'Big Room', looking down concentratedly at some papers in his hands. You realize that chair wasn't in this room before.

They must've put it in here.. Have they been watching me all night? Did I not even notice?

"She awakens." Yoongi says indifferently, not even bothering to look over in your direction. With one swift movement of his hands, the paper on the bottom of his stack is now on top, and his eyes examine it thoroughly, attentively darting from word to word. "This time, you're not scrambling for your pills. That's good. Must mean you feel better."

"How long have you been sitting there?" You ask, slowly sitting up. Your headache hasn't left completely yet, but it's much less severe than it'd been previously, and you're incredibly thankful for that. You also don't feel as weak, and your voice is understandable again. Of course, it's still a little raspy, but you know that'll go away completely in a few days.

"Me? Oh, not long." Yoongi shrugs, still not looking up from those damn documents. The way he focuses on them inevitably makes you curious as to what information they contain. After all, Yoongi is a—what is he again? Oh yeah, a 'tracker'. What information would interest a tracker so much on documents? "I've only been on babysitting duty since seven. It's eight-o'six now. But I guess since you're awake, shifts are over. Go get breakfast and get ready for training. RM wants to waste absolutely no time."

"Training me is a waste of time." You keep your eyes over on the mysterious man casually sitting in a chair only a few feet away from you, trying to read him the way he reads his papers. "You all know that. It's a complete waste of time, and keeping me here—that's a complete waste of energy and 'resources', as you sick people would put it."

"Trust me, doll. No one agrees with those words more than me," Yoongi exhales, flipping the papers once again, his focus still exclusively on them. "If it were up to me, or anyone else other than Jin and Namjoon, your organs would be on the market right now, maybe even in someone else already. We'd be swimming in a nice big pile of play money, without having to worry about some useless drunk brat."

"Hmph." You mutter, bringing your jaded eyes over to the nightstand, where a couple more pills rest next to an almost-empty glass of water. You don't remember the pills you've been taking to be that small, or yellowish in color. "I'm not a brat. Drunk—that one I'll give you. But 'brat', that one I won't." Your voice trails off, still quite focused on the small tablets. Were they different, or had you really just not noticed?

Am I going insane..?

"You know, that's kinda funny. A brat would say she's not a brat." Yoongi chuckles lightly, beginning to tap his foot out of pure boredom. You reach for the trio of pills and cup them all in your right palm, examining them closer. In the corner of your vision, you see Yoongi finally turns to look at you. "Oh, don't take those all at once. That'd be an awful way to die."

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