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"Hey—Y/N! Where you going?" Taehyung asks as you walk passed him in a hurry, not even bothering to acknowledge him with a mere glance. "Y/N—!" You continue to walk without looking back, just wanting to get to your room, lock the door and be alone. Immediately, Taehyung looks back at Jungkook who enters the hall a little after you storm off. "Hey, what's up with her? What happened?"

"We ran into an unexpected someone at the grocery store, that's all." Jungkook mutters tiredly, also trying to walk passed him, but Taehyung knows better than to let yet another person walk away without giving him the information he's asking for. He takes his arm and pulls him into his office, closing the door behind him and motioning for Jungkook to take a seat.

"So, are you gonna tell me the truth now or what?" Taehyung raises his eyebrows, looking straight over at Jungkook—who can't seem to meet his eyes directly. Jungkook sighs and opens his mouth to say something, but for a while no words come out. For some reason, he can't find the right words to start off with.

"She'll be fine." Is all that finally comes out of Jungkook's mouth.

"Kook, I'm not Namjoon. You can tell me." Taehyung takes a seat as well, leaning down in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. Just by that, Jungkook knows Taehyung will get his information one way or the other. "I know it's not as simple as seeing someone 'unexpected.' I'm not stupid, did you forget that? She looked upset—you look upset."

"Chanyeol almost took her." Jungkook looks up at him, clenching his jaw. As soon as he finishes talking, Taehyung's eyes widen and he exhales out a surprised breath. It's enough to make him stop asking questions, but Jungkook isn't finished yet. "I had to pull out a gun. I knew he wasn't armed himself, we were in a grocery store."

"And they got you on camera, didn't they?" Taehyung asks, shifting his jaw and looking down at his knees. Before speaking again, he lets out a heavy sigh and looks back up at Jungkook's tired face. It's easy to see he's giving it a little too much thought. "Look, don't worry too much about that. I'll take care of it. You just worry about Baihen and your bank."

"Thanks." Jungkook nods, giving Taehyung a small smile and intertwining his fingers as he thought about yet another troubling thing. "You know, right before he walked off, he said, 'Next time I won't wait for you.' He fucking waited for me to get back to the aisle. Why the hell?"

"Wait, wait—what?" Taehyung furrows his brows, sitting up. "What do you mean he 'waited for you to get back'? You weren't with her or what?" He asks. Jungkook looks up at Taehyung and with that, Taehyung already knows the answer to his last question. He just stays quiet and waits for his friend to answer the one he asked right before.

"I left her in the cereal aisle for a bit while I went to the restroom knowing she wasn't going to run because no one would be so stupid," Jungkook explains, tired of having repeated this the times that he has. "Joon called me on my way back, so I took my time walking. I didn't want her to hear. When I got to the end of the aisle, there he was. He had her in his fucking hold, Tae. She looked scared, but she didn't cry out or scream—only called out my name when she saw me. He thought it was all so amusing. Come on, what the hell was a girl like her supposed to do against him? What if he would've taken her before I got there? Joon would've fucking killed m—"

"But that didn't happen. Don't worry about Joon. It sounds to me like Yeol waited for you because he wanted you to try and stop him." Taehyung cuts him off, studying his face carefully. "Come on, why else? He probably wasn't counting on you having a gun. You know how he is, he's a big fucking tease. He really hasn't changed a bit." Taehyung shakes his head.


After a short, thoughtful silence, Taehyung stands up out of his chair and walks over towards Jungkook, who sits in the other chair by the door. With a pat on the shoulder, he nods for him to stand up. "Alright, come on. Forget about all of this, it'll all be resolved sooner or later. Let's go to the kitchen for some noodles, I'm hungry."

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