thirty two

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"Come back."
"I will—"

You take a deep breath, pulling off your hood as soon as the armed men by the gate make their way towards you, ready to shoot. When they see you're a woman and put your hands up in the air so they can see you aren't armed, they furrow their brows. Your Bangtan bangle doesn't help your case much. They recognize it instantly.


"My name is Song Yuri. My unit doesn't know I'm here." You say, completely faking a nonchalant vibe even though the dozen muzzles of their aimed automatic weapons are making your heart pound incredibly uncomfortably. "Let's keep it that way. I don't want any trouble. I just want to speak to Baekhyun. Or even better, Suho."

"You're the Bangtan girl everyone's been talking about, aren't you?" One of the scary guards asks, nodding towards your raised wrist where your bangle rests, dull and disabled. "The one people think Capo's after,"


"Hush, you fucking idiot!" The guard next to him smacks him with his loaded weapon. You watch him do so with questioning eyes. What was so wrong with that question? Why did the other guy need to 'hush'? "Little girl, look. It's too damn late. Suho is probably asleep, so why don't you run along back to Bangtan before they decide to put you in time-out and see if he's available tomorrow. If you don't get in trouble for sneaking out, of course."

"Can't do that." You shake your head, looking up from the dark ground at the annoyed guard. "Looks like one of your men is going to have to go wake him up. I'm not going anywhere without talking to someone in that damn unit." Your voice comes out a bit too serious, something the tall armed man does not appreciate much. You don't care. "Am I clear?"

"Look here, you little—!"

"You can't shoot me." You cut him off, stepping up a bit closer. Instantly, every single one of them tense up and ready their fingers at their triggers, aiming straight at your skull. "You can't even hit me." You continue, going as far as taking another step closer to the bullet aimed to fire less than a foot away from your forehead. "You know why? Because I'm a Bangtan main unit member and you're a pathetic EXO main-gate guard, only meant to be a first line of defense against an enemy stupid enough to not find a smarter entry point. Oh, and let's not forget the much less important and much more occurring job of simply opening the gate. Guess what, door holder? You shoot me, you get your bosses in trouble and you die on a stake."

"Why are you really here, bitch?" The irritated guard keeps the weapon steady, heavily considering just pulling his finger back and pretending he never even saw you out here. Hiding bodies is easy when no one looks around here.

"That's none of your fucking business."

"Who are you here with? Did Bangtan come with you?! We're not stupid." The guard growls, quickly losing the very little amount of patience he had to begin with. "If you don't start talking, we're gonna have to—"

"Oh, she's not talking to you." A voice comes behind the gate. From your view, the wall of tall, buff, armed men block the other side of the gate almost completely, but that's a voice you'd recognize without needing to see it's face. It's dark outside as it is four in the morning, the only lights in this area coming from a few lampposts scattered along the tall iron gate fence. The guards scatter to turn around and the man continues, "Who do you think you are?"

"Sir, we were just taking precaution—" The guard previously threatening you stammers, bowing his head at his boss while he talks to him, not daring to look him in his face.

"Your job is to open the gate, and when you're not sure if you should open the gate, you use the intercom on the fucking gate," Sehun scolds, clearly not the most patient. You can tell he woke up only minutes ago, his face is still a little puffy. "Now do what we don't kill you to do and open the damn gate for Ms. Song Yuri."

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