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That night—that very night—is one of the worst nights of your life. At first, you simply sit at the edge of your new bed, seemingly calm. Everything is still, quiet. Barely any sounds can be heard, and then—then, a tear slips down your warm, crimson cheek. And at that very moment, all the calm vanishes.

Everything fully sinks in.

You're dead.

To the people whom you most loved and cherished in this cruel world, you are dead. You, Syeol Y/N, are dead. In many ways, you truly are. In every way, except physical, actually.

You'll never see your brothers again, or your mother or your father. You'll never speak to or hug them every again. You won't get to see Jaeyoung get married to his beautiful fiancé. You won't get to know your future nieces and nephews, never get to see Chaenlo open the restaurant of his dreams.. You'll never be able to escape this dark world in which you had agreed to be a part of now.

Silent tears slip down your frustrated face for hours. You aren't you anymore. You're theirs. And you have to do what they say, because they let your family leave this place alive.

God, I know I've done some shameful things in my life, and I know I'm not the best person out here—I messed up, a lot. I'm a mess, but did I really deserve a punishment like this..?

Oh, who am I kidding..? You warned me.
And I didn't listen.

You hate yourself, more than anyone you've ever hated. If you would've just listened to Jayeong.. maybe you could be back at your apartment right now, in your own pajamas, laying on your own bed, actually having the peace of mind to close your eyes and dream.

You come to notice your bedroom has a window as it begins glowing with the light of the early sunlight. You shoot up off the still made bed, rushing towards it and pulling the curtains apart desperately, only to be disappointed yet again.

You're on the second floor, it seems. Too high up to not break half the bones in your body if you jump. There's no tree, no ledge, no bush you can use to ease your way to possible freedom. Of course, you realize none of them are stupid. If they'd gone through all the trouble of finding, kidnapping, and beating your family, they wouldn't put you in a room in which you could easily just jump out the window and disappear.

You close your eyes shut, squeezing them as your hands do the same with the thick silk curtains. The exhaustion dominating your weak body makes itself very present as your desperate hope instantly fades with the high view. You fall on your knees, turning and leaning against the three feet of wall between the floor and the window ledge, then you slide down into a feeble crouch.

After spending the entire night doing so, you can't even bring yourself to cry anymore. Your body had ran out of tears, and it seems it was too tired and weak to be able to continue anyway, even though your brain couldn't help but keep wanting to.

Your eyes, throat, and mouth are the driest they've ever been, and you can't help but wonder when the last time you had a drink of water was. Come to think of it, you were also starving.. and you need a shower. As your exhaustion slowly forces you to close your eyes, those three concepts are the only things you can think about. Without your permission, your body starts shutting down. It so desperately needs to rest.

I'm so tired..
— No you're not, stay awake!
I can't..

As you succumb into forced blank dreams, everyone else in the house is just beginning to wake up. Most of them walk out towards the kitchen, kind of forgetting they have an entire new person just down the hall now. Of course, getting used to having you around is going to take some time.

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