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Two Days Later.

Dear Chaenlo,
Today is my first day at the bank. I'm a little nervous, but only because I'm not sure how weird it's gonna feel starting off. The good thing is that I got a chance to buy new clothes for this job, since I insisted that wearing what I had would be awful. Also, I'm not sure how I'm liking being this blonde. I feel weird.

Dear Jaeyoung,
Your wedding is so close! I'm so incredibly excited for you. I hope everything turns out perfect, down to the last white petal. I'm still working on trying to attend from a distance. . You won't recognize me either way, with my blonde bob and all.

"Okay, so what's your name again?" Jungkook asks, briefly glancing over at you while you nervously tap your foot over in the passenger seat as he drives in the crowded streets of Seoul. "What are you going to tell people when they ask?"

"My name is Song Yuri, I'm the bank's new accountant and financial advisor, nice to meet you." You say, sounding like you've been rehearsing that for days on end—probably because you have. You studied that folder until you memorized it word by word, yet you still felt like you'd forget it in a nervous instant.

"Shit, are you a robot or what? What did you do with Y/N?" Jungkook jokes, chuckling a little in hopes to light up the mood. To him, this isn't that deep, but he can tell you're having a mini internal panic sesh. He just wants you to loosen up a bit, or else people will start talking. "Come on, ease up. You'll be fine. Alright, your name is Seung Yuri, you're the new accountant, blah, blah, blah. How do you know me?"

"You're a childhood friend from Busan." You answer, looking over at him and relaxing your expression a bit as you see his forming smile. This is his favorite part of your—better said, Yuri's—story, even though he won't openly admit it. "We went to elementary and high school together, always good friends until I moved to Australia." You recite, finding the lie so foreign feeling, but at the same time feeling more and more like the truth the more you say it. "We got back in touch when I came back."

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Jungkook nods, entering the parking garage and driving his way towards his reserved space. You take a few subtle deep breaths in a last attempt to fully calm down. "If someone's nosey enough to ask—which probably all the secretaries will be—what are you going to say about arriving with me everyday?"

"I moved into your estate because I didn't feel safe in my house anymore after my parents' disappearances and you were nice enough to welcome me into your home." You answer monotonously, looking over at him as he finishes parking the car and turns the engine off. "And no, we are not together. I see you as a bRoThEr."

"Attagirl. Let's hope they believe you." Jungkook chuckles, opening the door and stepping out of the expensive car. You do the same, pushing a strand your new, short blonde hair behind your ear and closing the door behind you, walking around over towards Jungkook who waited for you. He waits until you walk up next to him and proceeds to walk alongside you, over towards his fancy glass building. He notices the way you tug at your pencil skirt—one of the few he picked out himself when you went shopping—as you walk; judging by your face, he assumes you might feel a little uncomfortable in your semi-formal attire. "Hey, have I mentioned that you look good? Don't be so nervous. Everything'll be fine."

"You only think I look good because you picked out this outfit." You adjust your small purse's long strap over your shoulder and look over at him with a small chuckle, quickly crossing the alleyway between the two buildings. He's wearing a suit, like he usually does when he comes to work, except today for some reason he looks a little more fancy. "But thanks. You look good too, Boss. Can't wait to get stared down by your fangirls."

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