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"You know what we're here for."

Jungkook steps out in front of you as soon as the gun is pointed in your direction instead of his. Taehyung steps closer to you as well, staying right next to you with his gun still firmly gripped in his steady hands, pointing the bullets straight at the man across from where he stands. "Fuck off." Jungkook replies, carefully adjusting his finger on the trigger. "I'll blast your tiny brains out of your skulls right here, right now."

"Pfft." The taller one of the two laughs, shaking his head. He isn't that much taller, at the most only an inch. For some reason, looking at them makes you get dejavu. "You don't scare us, Jeon. Neither does your little boyfriend. Just hand over the girl, or you all die." The man's cold, deep voice sends a shiver down your spine. You're sure Taehyung and Jungkook could hear your heartbeat, that's how scared you are. Your breathing is also incredibly irregular. Why do they want you? What the hell is going on? Who are they? Why are they here?

"What? You idiots aren't here to steal our plans? Money? Kill us, maybe? What's up with taking someone we just picked up off the street?" Taehyung asks, maintaining his serious stance. You turn to look at him about to furrow your brows, then you realize he's just saying that to throw them off. "What's the real reason you're all here? Come on, spit it out before my finger accidentally slips and a silver bullet breaks your skull at seventeen-hundred miles per hour."

"Why we want her is none of your damn business." The man across from Taehyung answers, looking over at you and meeting your eyes. Out of fear, you immediately look away, hiding behind Jungkook some more. Jungkook gives you a quick glance, noticing you keep getting paler and paler, and realizing you might even pass out. Jin warned them all to go easy on you, and this situation definitely isn't easy. "Just hand her over and we can kill each other some other day, alright?"

Why do they look so familiar..?

"Why can't we just kill you right now? Since you won't fucking understand that the girl stays with us." Jungkook clenches his jaw, clearly growing very annoyed. The two tall men laugh, almost as if they know neither Jungkook nor Taehyung would dare pull the trigger on them. You close your eyes, not wanting to see anything anymore. You start to grow a little dizzy.. Their faces—why do you feel like you've seen them before? Are you going insane? The pills were probably starting to mess with your head. Yeah, that's probably it. That has to be it. Right?

"Oh, don't tell me. She became your little girlfriend, that's why you don't wanna fork her over." The tall man mocks. The other one lets out a small laugh as well, causing Taehyung to clench his jaw and adjust his grip on the semi-automatic in his hand. "Come on, you're making this much more fucking difficult than it needs to be. Just hand her ov—"

"JUNGKOOK! TAEHYUNG!" Hoseok's voice fills your ears, causing you to open your eyes and turn your head in the direction where it came from. Hoseok runs up from behind all of you, immediately picking you up over his shoulder and shooting at the two men as they start yelling before taking off again in the direction he came from, this time with your weak, disoriented self draped over his shoulders. You hear Jungkook and Taehyung begin yelling as well, their voices accompanied by many gunshots and of course, the blaring alarm.

"NO! WAIT! WE CAN'T LEAVE THEM!" You yell, every blast heard with your sensitive ears making you fear it could've been the one to end any of their lives. Sure, you hate them. Why wouldn't you? They kidnapped you—but you still didn't wish death upon them. You don't wish death upon anybody, especially in such a violent manner. Taehyung's deep voice echoes a painful scream through the hallway, causing you to scream as well—with the same vocal chords which have barely begun healing. "OH GOD! THEY NEED HELP! WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE?! WHAT IS GOING ON?!"

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