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Dear Chaenlo,
My eldest brother, whom I love and miss so dearly, I'm writing you this letter even though you will never read it because I have to cope with losing you and myself somehow. Take care of our parents and Jayeong. They need you, just like I once did.

Dear Jaeyoung,
I hope you know I'm doing fine. No, I'm not in heaven, I'm alive. . but you will never know that. I'm so sorry. I miss you so much more than you can even begin to imagine. Yes, you. I miss you yelling at me, nagging me. I miss you being annoying.

"Aye, where's Y/N?" Yoongi asks, stepping into the dining room where Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook already sit eating their breakfast. "I just walked passed her room and there's no one in there. The door was open."

"What the fuck? Are you sure she wasn't in there, hyung?" Jimin furrows his brows, immediately standing up out of his chair. Jungkook and Hoseok stop eating and look up at him, turning to look at Yoongi with the same confused expression on their faces. "Did you look—?"

"Her bed was neatly made; I poked my head in there and I saw no sign of her. She wasn't in there. You can go see for yourself." Yoongi interrupts, already knowing what Jimin was planning to ask. "I thought she might've been here already, but I guess not."

"You don't think she—?" Jungkook looks over at Jimin as he starts for the doorway. "Jimin-hyung!" Jimin doesn't even bother to turn around, in a few seconds he's already out of the room altogether. Yoongi begins following him, only to be stopped by Jungkook's voice. "Hyung! Where are you going?"

"We gotta find her before Namjoon realizes something's wrong." Yoongi turns to answer, his demeanor falling serious now. He knew there's no way you could've escaped, but there is an extremely high risk you could've found something to hurt or even kill yourself with around the house. If that happened, everyone would be in huge trouble. "So both of you get your lazy asses up and help look for her. Now."

"Alright, alright. We're going." Hoseok stands up, following Yoongi along with a semi-annoyed Jungkook out of the dining room. "I feel like you're overreacting, she's probably around here somewhere. Might've even gotten lost in the halls." He suggests, looking into a couple rooms as they walk passed them. "I'll take this hall."

"Sounds good. I'll look in this direction. Jungkook, you look that way." Yoongi points down the hall in the opposite direction while Hoseok starts walking down a completely different hallway. They all look inside the different rooms down their paths, making sure not to call out your name too loudly for Namjoon to hear and begin questioning.

After searching several possible rooms and not finding you in any one of them, Jimin goes straight to the Training Quarter, wanting to see if maybe that's where you disappeared to since it's the one place everyone least expects you to be in.

Aish, this girl seriously!
Where the fuck is she?!

"Hm..?" Taehyung slowly opens his sleepy eyes, confused that you're the first person they find. As soon as you hear him, you turn around, watching him attempt to sit up. Jin also places his immediate attention over on his friend, a bit startled to see him awake. The medications should've kept him asleep a few hours longer. "You?" Taehyung furrows his brows.

"Hey, hey—take it easy. Lay down." You walk over towards him, beat by Jin who gets to him quicker and gently pushes his shoulders back down on the bed. Taehyung keeps his eyes over on you though, still with a lot of questions hidden behind them. You try to read him. "Wh-What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" Taehyung answers with his raspy morning voice, clearly needing to warm up a bit. You look over at Jin as he too glances over at you. A slightly awkward silence fills the room as you can't quite think of something to say. "Huh? I can't look at you?" Taehyung follows.

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