twenty six

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"HEY!" Namjoon runs into the bathroom, shoving Jungkook off of Yoongi just in time before Yoongi got the chance to actually get fully upset and forget Jungkook was a younger friend. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

"Son of a—!" Yoongi tries lunging at Junkook once again, but RM was not about to let that happen. Immediately, he takes Yoongi and shoves him out of the relatively small room—which wasn't so small, only compared to every other room in the house—while Jungkook's strength begins abnormally faltering, his vision blurring spontaneously.

"QUIT." Namjoon booms, rendering Yoongi silent for the moment, just as Jungkook goes completely pale and collapses on the floor with a loud thud. Namjoon immediately takes his attention off of Yoongi and steps in towards Jungkook, furrowing his brows and looking at him incredulously. "Jungguk! Jungguk!" He kneels down next to his unconscious friend, shaking his shoulders, "Hey! What's wrong with you?! Kook!"

"Oh, shit.." Yoongi mutters, suddenly no longer angry. Now, he's simply confused and worried. He stands there for a few seconds while RM tries waking Jungkook up, not knowing what to do to help. "I-I'll go get Jin-hyung," he finally utters, stepping out of the bathroom completely and running down the hall.

"Y/N, listen to me." Jin meets your eyes, recognizing the desperate worry in them and trying to get answers before prescribing you something that could possibly either worsen your condition a thousand times or fix you for good. "Do you remember anything past that conversation with Baekhyun at the window?"

"No! No! I already told you no!" You insist, voice strained by tears of pure frustration, weakened by the torturous sound that still rings in your brain. "If I did, I would tell you! Where's Jungkook?! Is he okay?! Where's Sodun?"

"Sod—?" Jin turns to look back at Jimin, both of them suddenly startled by the sound of Yoongi's voice approaching the room quickly down the hall, yelling "JIN-HYUNG! JIN-HYUNG, IT'S JUNGGUK! SOMETHING'S WRONG!" Jimin runs out the doorway as soon as he hears those words, Jin stands up and you attempt to, actually getting to extend your knees but they give out on you without a warning.


"In here, Yoongi-hyung! What the hell happened to Jungkook?! Where is he?!" Jimin asks, widening his eyes at the sight of Yoongi's face. "What the fuck happened to you?"

"GODDAMIT! Get me up out of this damn chair, PLEASE!" You yell, devastated to hear confirmation of what Baekhyun insinuated to you so menacingly only minutes ago, trying to stand yet again. "I WANT TO SEE HIM. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY DID, I WANT TO FIND THE FUCKING KID!"

"Y/N, quit!" Jin gently pushes you back down to onto the cushioned chair, looking at you warningly. You know better than to not listen. Yoongi runs inside the room, shortly followed by Jimin. Jin walls over towards him, "What—? What the hell happened to your face?"

"Who the fuck cares about my face, I'll live." Yoongi rushes him out, "You gotta come see what the fuck is wrong with Jungguk, come on, hyung!" They leave you there with Jimin, who was also about to join them but decided it'd be better to stay or he wouldn't hear the end of it from Namjoon.

"Alright, doll." Jimin walks up to you, placing his hands on each of your arm rests and crouching down in front of you. He's speaking to you calmly, but his face is completely serious. It's almost as if he's trying hard not to snap at you. "What exactly did Baekhyun say through the bracelet before Taehyung ran in here?"

"He told me to tell Sodun that.." you trail off for a few short seconds, looking down as a flash of amnesia takes you over momentarily, "He said to tell him that—his mission was complete." You finish, regaining your composure completely. "That I should go find Jungkook before he stopped breathing.. then the beep came back and I screamed. Tae ran in."

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