Wizard King: Yuno (Female Reader)

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Request: NourElhoudaKefi
Female Reader
Masquerade Ball
(Y/N) = Your Name
(SN/1) = Stepsisters Name 1
(SN/2) = Stepsisters Name 2
(SM/N) = Stepmothers Name
Word Count: 2,880

- This is a experimental chapter for me!
- Yuno will be 19, turning 20.
- Yuno is the Wizard King
- Very LONG Story

Everyone worshipped the Wizard King Yuno for wielding the four leaf clover grimoire. After being a Wizard King for two years, the King of the Clover Kingdom has decided to host a masquerade ball, in honor of Yuno. The King wanted things to be done differently. The masquerade ball was for Yuno to discover a lady whom suits his preference. So, everyone can attend, no matter their status. All the maidens and bachelors will have a unique gem that only answered to the magic of it's owner. Everyone will receive a letter, but your wicked stepmother, and evil stepsisters, will do everything in their power to stop you from attending the masquerade ball. Will your fairy godmother come to your rescue?

Location: Raque (Beach Town In The Clover Kingdom)
Your stepmother held four invitations in her hand as she entered the space you're cleaning. "Girls, come down here." She calmly shouts with a smile as she watches you sweep the floors of the living room. Her two beautiful daughters come down the stairs, giving you the stink eye before approaching their mother. "Mom! What do you want?" (SN/1) says while rolling her eyes. (SN/2) punches (SN/1) softly, giggling as she looks at her mom. "Do you need something from us?" Their mother glared at the two, then smugly smiled in the end. "We've been invited to the masquerade ball for the Wizard King Yuno!" The three sisters gasp. "He's going to pick a lucky girl, so you two must win his heart." You stop sweeping, looking at your stepsisters celebrate. "Do I have a invitation?" You ask innocently. (SM/N) laughs at your question. "Yes, but you'll be busy preparing my daughters and I for the ball, as well cleaning the house from the roof to the floors."

(SM/N) held a velvet bag with four gems. "Now girls, put your magic in these and find a way to wear them for the masquerade ball!" She hands two clear, crystal gems to your stepsisters. (SN/1) concentrates on the gem, transferring her magic into the crystal. "You've always had such beautiful magic (SN/1)." (SM/N) commented. (SN/2) filled her gem with magic, smiling at the glowing crystal. "My magic is definitely the strongest!" Your stepmother transported her magic into her gem, leaving one clear crystal. "I guess you can fill it and have a momentum of the ball you'll never attend." The gem was thrown to you roughly. You barely caught it, letting the broom fall to the floor. "Fill the gem, It won't be as pretty or as powerful as my daughters and mine." You nod with a happy smile on your face. "Here goes nothing." You softy say before closing your eyes and filling the gem with a little bit of your magic. Your stepmother gulped, while both your stepsisters shrieked out in fear.

When you open your eyes, the gem has a few large cracks. Nonetheless, your gem held magic, enough to keep the shape, but not appearance. "How disgusting." (SM/N) sweat dropped as she pointed in your direction. "Of course you'd break the gem. You don't have control over your magic." She crosses her arms, lifting her brow in a villainous way. "Now you've ruined your only gift for the ball. I hope you're proud of yourself (Y/N)." Your name rolls off her tongue in a fowl tone. You sigh before responding. "I'm sorry for making my gem look so hideous." Your stepsisters laugh wickedly. "The gem only represents it's owner." (SN/1) says. "It's just as ugly as you are (Y/N)" Tears prickled your eyes as you agree with your stepsister. Your stepmother saw the misery in your eyes, making her smile grow wider. "Come on girls, we must prepare for the ball in three days!"

[3 Days Later]

(SN/1) Dress:

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