Chapter 76 -Carlie's First Birthday/Part 1-

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Today is the 11th of August, Carlie’s first birthday! And Bella and Edward’s 2nd wedding anniversary! This, as you could guess, means a busy day. Bella and Edward, or rather Edward, had planned something for the afternoon, which meant that we had reserved the rest of the day for Carlie.

And some other good news: I was able to move on my own again. Not long, but I could definitely go to the bathroom on my own and from one room to the other. I wasn’t allowed yet to go for a walk or something like that, but I at least had some independency back. My hand was still broken, but my ribs were slowly healing and today I had laughed for the first time without pain.

Carlisle had woken me up early this morning before Carlie would wake up. We wanted to have everything prepared before and I insisted to help, although Carlisle rather wanted me to rest. But as everybody knew, I could be stubborn as well and Carlisle reluctantly gave in. He helped me get out of bed and assisted me getting dressed. That was not only because of the injuries but also because of my growing belly. I felt huge although I was technically only in the fourth month but looked like in the fifth. The baby was growing at a normal pace after that growth spurt before that mess, as I called it.

So I was minutes later dressed in a bright yellow sundress. It fitted the motto of the birthday party, which Rose, Alice, Carlisle and I had planned. The motto was little sunshine, so the decorations were kept in shades of yellow and white. We thought it fitted Carlie’s personality perfectly.

Carlisle was just buttoning down the dress on my back when Alice came into the room. “Good morning, guys,” she greeted us cheerfully. “Good morning, Alice,” I smiled. “You look great,” she complimented me. “Thank you,” I told her and blushed. “You don’t have to be so modest, my love. You really look beautiful,” Carlisle whispered into my ear. He finished the last button and I used that to spin around and face him. “Thank you,” I whispered and leaned against his chest as much as I could. Carlisle put his arms softly around my back and hugged me closer.

A moment later Alice cleared her throat to get our attention. “I don’t want to interrupt you, but if we want to get all done before she wakes up, we should get ready,” she reasoned. I sighed and reluctantly let go of Carlisle. He wouldn’t have that though and held me to him with a grin. “Carlisle…” I laughed. He laughed with me and then took only my hand to guide me out of the bathroom “And I could still do your hair, if you’d like?” Alice asked on the way out. “If you want to,” I smiled at her. She looked at me incredulously. “Okay, okay, then do it,” I laughed at her expression. “I’m on it,” she said and had me sitting at the vanity in our bedroom in seconds and was already brushing through my hair. “I will get ready in that time then,” Carlisle chuckled and disappeared into the bathroom.

Alice was finished under five minutes and let me marvel at my hairdo. She had made me a waterfall braid at the side and then fastened that with a small yellow flower. The rest of my hair stayed down in their usual caramel curls.  “Thank you,” I said and hugged Alice lightly. “Always,” she smiled and supported my weight when I got up. “Oh, and don’t forget the yellow flats,” she said and disappeared for a second before she came back with a pair of simple but beautiful flats.

I put them on and looked at myself in the mirror. “It looks great,” I said and a smile spread over my face. I looked healthy and happy. The last time I had looked in the mirror was the day before the battle. I had been pale and worn out. I couldn’t even smile right and I had looked like I hadnn’t slept for weeks. But right now I felt like my happiness was radiating from me. Of course I had the cast on my arm, but it didn’t bother me right now.

At that moment Carlisle stepped out of the bathroom, already fully ready. I looked at him and returned his dazzling smile. He was dressed in light beige trousers and a white button down shirt. Together with his light blond hair, he looked drop-dead gorgeous. I walked into his arms and he hugged me and kissed my hair. But then we heard Alice sigh. I turned around and looked at her apologetically. “You two love-birds, I am sorry, but we have to get going if we want to be ready,” she sighed. “Sorry,” Carlisle chuckled and suddenly had me in his arms and carried me out of our bedroom. I didn’t protest, I rather snuggled up to his chest and inhaled his scent contently. “You really don’t have to apologize,” she laughed and I could see that she was bursting with happiness when she saw us like that. I thought we could all very well recall the time when Carlisle and I were fighting and avoiding each other only a little bit than a month ago, so I couldn’t be happier right now.

Marvellous daysNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ