Chapter 73 -Miracle-

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Carlisle was still holding Esme to him.

Edward and Rose were sitting next to him soothing him. Bella and Alice were trying to occupy Carlie so that she wouldn’t know the extent of it. There would be enough time to break her world later by telling her that her mother had died.

Emmett and Jasper were pacing around. The Denalis sat together on the ground and watched the scene shocked. Zafrina and her sisters were shocked and sad. They got to know Esme better over the nearly two years they knew each other. Benjamin and the Irish coven were sitting on the other side quietly with devastated faces. After some time though it was too much for the “normal” vampires to deal with the huge amount of blood and they went to hunt ashamed.

The wolves had left to get back to Forks to tell those left behind the outcome of the battle. The only ones that stayed behind were Seth, Jacob, Leah and Sam. They were still in their wolf form, because it was easier to deal with pain in the body of an animal. Animals couldn’t feel such pain as humans… It had been a shock for everyone… Nobody would have anticipated this end. Of course Alice had seen it in her vision, but everyone still hoped that they could have changed the future.

Now that this future turned up, everyone was shocked. It wasn’t real, she couldn’t be dead… It was impossible! No matter how much you prepare for the worst case scenario, you are never ready for it. And how could you ever be? Esme was the heart of the Cullen family for more than a century and ever since she entered the lives of the Cullens, she had changed them and brought love to those who had never experienced it before. She was truly a mother to them, but more than that, also a friend and confidant.

And she had changed Carlisle’s life forever the moment she had looked at him with those eyes. He still looked at her with the eyes of first love and it really was that for way for them. They were one. There couldn’t be Esme without Carlisle and no Carlisle without Esme…

Carlisle felt like more than half of him was ripped away violently and was now missing terribly. And he couldn’t forgive himself for not protecting her, for not keeping her safe. He should have never walked over to the Volturi’s side with her, then maybe she would still be alive. “Carlisle, what if’s don’t help, they only hurt you more…” Edward whispered. “It had been their intention the entire time, but it was their strategy to hide it from us, from me. It is not your fault, it’s theirs.” Carlisle looked up and met Edward’s pained eyes. All of them had tears in their eyes and were unable to believe the truth.

Carlisle stroked Esme’s cheek. “Edward, I can never forgive myself… Never. I have broken my promise. She got hurt and…died because I couldn’t protect her…” he sobbed at the end and stopped to speak for a second, “She is gone… I had her at my side for more than a century and it still wasn’t enough time. I cannot go on without her… How am I supposed to? I could never forget what I have done…”

“Carlisle, it will be the most difficult time we have ever faced, but we are a family and we are there for each other. We won’t give up and we will have to live with our grief. But we won’t stop, we will go on, because that is what Esme would want us to,” Rose whispered. “Thank you, Rose,” Carlisle sobbed and Rose stroked his hand. “We will be there,” she promised.

“I’m sorry, Carlie… No, you cannot go to Mommy… Please, Carlie…” Alice said and then broke down in tears. She held Carlie and sank to the floor. “Please….” Bella took Carlie from her when she saw that Alice was losing it. Alice broke completely down then. “Please… Please come back…” she sobbed. “I miss you so much…” Jasper, nearly breaking as well, rushed over to her side and sat next to her on the ground. He held her and tried very hard to stop his sobs and rather soothe Alice. But in the end they were both sitting there and were sobbing.

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