Chapter 25 -Sky Full of Stars-

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“Then I suppose you are my date,” I laughed...

Carlisle nodded and held his arm out to me. I wound mine through his and let him lead the way. “Was that your idea?” I asked him when we walked on the snow covered path. “Yes, Alice helped me with the outfit,” he smiled.

I leaned my head against his shoulder. “Thank you,” I whispered and watched the stars. “You haven’t even seen what I have prepared,” he laughed. “Now I am scared,” I laughed and tried to find what he was talking about but there wasn’t anything.

We walked a bit further and then turned right. There standing at a stable was a dark brown wooden carriage with a brown horse.

“Oh, Carlisle,” I said astonished and walked forwards to stroke the horse. “Do you like the surprise?” he asked timidly. “Of course, how couldn’t I? It’s beautiful.” He smiled brilliantly at me and lifted me up into the carriage and then got in himself.

“I looked through the things we could do here and I especially liked this one. It is somehow a tradition as we already made a tour in London,” Carlisle explained. “And I was just as astonished this time,” I smiled and watched him control the carriage.

We drove right through the forest that was illuminated by the stars and the moon. The snow glistened through the light and glowed mysteriously.

Carlisle laid a blanket over my legs and smiled at me lovingly. “Thanks,” I smiled, too and once again leaned up his side. I felt him chuckling, but before I could ask why he began to stroke my shoulders with his free hand and I melted in his touch.

“Am I allowed to know where this magical ride is heading to?” I asked him. He laughed. “Not now, but you will love it, it isn’t long anymore though.” “Okay,” I sighed and enjoyed the ride fervently.

After some minutes, the trees opened up a bit and showed the exit of the forest. I couldn’t see what there was, but it was definitely a clearing.

We drove nearer and out of the forest and indeed stopped in a clearing covered with snow. “We’re there,” Carlisle smiled and with his vampire speed had me in his arms and put me gently on the ground in a swift move.

I still held his arm when I observed the beautiful clearing. We were higher up than our lodge was. From this point we had a clear view of the valley and of the sky. I marveled over the star-covered sky. I‘ve rarely seen such a beautiful sky; only in Alaska have I seen such a picture. I walked forwards and looked at the trees also glistening with the snow and then enjoyed the sky again. I was strangely fascinated by it.

“Esme?” Carlisle whispered from behind, stroked my shoulders and softly kissed my neck. I leaned against him and I felt his mouth transforming into a smirk. “Don’t you want to get inside? It is getting cold,” he whispered again.

“Inside?” I wondered and turned around and lay my hands on his chest. “Yes,” he now chuckled. I looked back at the sky then at the forest, but couldn’t detect anything. Only when I focused on what was behind Carlisle and the carriage did I see the contours of a small lodge. I smiled hugely and let my husband lead me into the house.

The interior of the lodge instantly remembered my of Edward’s and Bella’s cottage. It was comfy and warm and was kept in warm colors, so lots of dark red, beige and other cream colors. The little living room had a huge fireplace and a big fluffy looking couch. It had a glass back wall that I haven’t seen before. But I hadn’t much time to observe that room as Carlisle tucked on my hand to lead me upstairs. I smiled at him lovingly and then followed him.

I gasped in surprise.

The attic was huge; you wouldn’t guess that from the outer appearance. But what was more beautiful was the décor.

Carlisle had made an oasis of many colorful pillows and blankets on the ground and apart from another fireplace illuminating the huge room, there were candles everywhere. It created a very romantic atmosphere. I looked up and to my surprise parts of the ceiling was out of glass so that we could still see the sky. It was so beautiful.

Now it was my turn to tow Carlisle over to the pillows and I threw us into the mass of them. I lay next to Carlisle and cuddled into his chest. “That is the best surprise ever,” I called and kissed him passionately. “I hope so,” he smiled and hugged me closer to him.

We just lay there for an immeasurable time and watched the stars. I got rid of my coat, hat and shoes and was now lying comfortably on the pillows and was covered with a blanket. Carlisle had his arm under my head and stroked my hair.

It was a comfortable silence and some glances at him sufficed to know that it was just great here. “Not that I’m complaining, but why have you done this?” I asked after another long pause of talking. “I just love making surprises for my lovely wife,” he laughed and kissed my forehead. “And?” I challenged. “And I really wanted to show you the stars here. I have seen them the other day when we were hunting and I told myself to show them to you as long as we were here. So I looked at what we could do here and had this idea,” he explained. “Thank you,” I said and kissed him once more. “Always.”

We returned to silence and cuddling when suddenly a shooting star crossed the sky.

“Have you seen that?” I asked surprised and sat up. “Yes, a shooting star,” he said and sat next to me. “You can make a wish now,” he told me. “All wishes have become reality,” I said but thought about something. Now I know! I smiled, closed my eyes and made my wish. Carlisle looked at me questioningly and curiously. “Oh no, one is not allowed to tell one’s wish otherwise it won’t fulfill itself.”

But before he could pout I sat on his lap and kissed him. He moaned and caressed my back and hair. Now I smirked and kissed down his neck. Like that we fell into the soft pillows…

Early in the morning Carlisle carried me downstairs to the carriage, because I was still too tired to walk straight so Carlisle rather carried me than let me fall down.

He gently sat me into the carriage. At daylight one could clearly see the lovely lodge. As I looked at it memories of tonight were in my mind and I smiled hugely. I doubted that I could look at a sky full of stars without those memories again, I thought and laughed lightly. Carlisle watched me curiously but I only shook my head and cuddled to him.

He was content with that and drove us back home.

As soon as we were home, Alice was standing in front of me, jumping up and down. “So?” she asked with a huge smile.

“So, it was one of the most beautiful dates I have ever had,” I admitted and that made Carlisle also smile hugely and he kissed me softly. “Oh,” Alice cooed. “I love surprises,” she squealed. “Yeah, sometimes they can be great,” I laughed and took Carlisle’s hand.

“Come on, Rose made breakfast. Carlie is awake as well and plays with Nessie,” she informed us and led us into the kitchen. Rose greeted us with a smile and hugged me.

Then Edward and Bella walked inside as well and Edward smirked at us. “Carlisle, if you keep on finding those great ideas, Jasper, Emmett and I will look pretty bad,” he laughed and patted Carlisle’s shoulder.

“You just have to have more imagination and a sense of romance,” I laughed and winked at him. “Exactly,” Rose and Bella agreed and laughed as well.

“I’ll give my best,” Edward chuckled and sat next to Carlisle.

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

I hope you all liked it! (Especially you, linzlover ;) )

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