Chapter 18 -Mountain Lodge-

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The ride to Crystal Mountain was a mixture of several highways and many stops to feed Carlie and some stops for the toilet.

The place we headed to was situated on the Northeast corner of Mount Rainier National Park and Charlie assured us that it is beautiful, at least for fishing and hiking. We rather wanted to ski and therefore have rented a lodge located mid-mountain.

It will definitely be an adventure to get there, because they told us we could only access it by chairlift or snowmobile. That will be fun!

Carlie slept most of the ride and we were grateful for that. I don’t think that she liked to be constantly in her car seat for at least five hours. We needed a bit longer because of all the stops, but soon we were there and the majestic mountains were right in front of us. Carlisle stopped the car on the parking lot and got out. I mimicked his actions.

“Wow, it’s really cold,” I shivered and put my scarf nearer to my face.
“We’re in the mountains,” Carlisle chuckled.
“Oh, I haven’t noticed that,” I answered him sarcastically. I walked around to get warm and saw that the other’s cars were already parked here.

“They should be at the lodge already,” Carlisle explained and got the luggage out of the trunk. I walked towards him and peeked through the window to look at Carlie. She was still sleeping.
“And how are we going to get there?”

“We will go by chairlift. That is easier with Carlie and the luggage. Emmett and Jasper used the snowmobile of course,” he laughed.
“Typically,” I rolled my eyes, but I could imagine that that would be fun.

I put  Carlie in her car seat out of the car. I had already dressed her back in her snowsuit so that she wouldn’t get cold. Carlisle was walking in front of us with the suit cases.

After a while, we were in the chairlift and were mesmerized by the view. “Look at that,” I said and saw the skiers below us. They looked like dolls from up here. Carlisle smirked at me and cuddled closer.

We had to walk a little bit until we could see the lodge. It was beautiful and had that rustic style. It was huge, but with so many we needed such a house.

Carlisle trailed behind me with the luggage and I carried Carlie in her seat. The snow was up to the middle of the calves and it was some work getting through that. I stopped for a second and breathed in.

Carlisle walked beside me and smiled. Nothing could stop his happiness, it seems. “Exhausted?” he smirked.
“No,” I answered him sarcastically.  He put the suit cases in own hand and around his shoulder and then lifted me up in one arm with Carlie still in my hands. “Hey,” I said in surprise.
“We will get there easier that way,” he laughed and carried us to the entrance of the lodge and then sat me down once again.

Alice opened the door and smiled hugely at us. “There you are, come in. It’s beautiful!” she danced back into one of the rooms and I walked inside.

Everything was kept in that rustic style and the decorations were similar to that with much wood and simple but classic furniture. I walked into the living room and sat Carlie down on the ground. It was finally warm in here! I took off my coat, gloves and hat.

“Hi, you’re finally here,” Rose said, hugged me and looked at sleeping Carlie.
"Yeah, where is everyone?” I asked her. I could see Alice and Jasper in the kitchen, but other than that no one was in sight.

“Edward, Bella, Jacob and Seth took Nessie to play in the snow. Charlie and Sue are up in their room to relax a bit from the journey just like Leah, and Emmett should get here any second, I don’t really know what he is doing.”

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