Chapter 69 -Day 1: The Last Day of Our Forever-

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7…6…5…4…3…2…1 day left!

The last day of our forever…

Today was time for just being together and enjoying the last peace without thinking too much about tomorrow if that was possible for anyone. Everyone was at our home and talked. Our visitors kept to themselves a bit for most of the time although they came over to one of us to talk or just do something. Edward and Bella had been talking for hours with Nessie on the phone and they were still upstairs talking. The rest of us were in the garden.

Carlie was her usual cheerful self and was running around the garden enjoying the short intervals of sunshine. She was wearing a white summer dress with white flats that Alice dressed her in whereas Rose made her a French braid. That was in some way a way for both of them to spend some quality time with their baby sister. Jasper and Emmett kept close to their mates and thus played tag with them and Carlie. Benjamin later played as well together with Kate. I was sitting under the shadow of one of the huge oak trees and enjoyed being in Carlisle’s embrace.

“Mommy?” she called from a few meters away. I looked up and smiled at her. She put her arms up and looked like she wanted to present something; that was her way of telling us to come over playing. “But not tag, sweetie. What about Hide and Seek?” I asked. She nodded and toddled over to us to grab both our hands to get us to play. Carlisle and I laughed but followed her.

“And now?” I asked her. That was a bit too much a question for her. She looked thoughtfully at me and didn’t know what to do, so she shrugged. Everyone had to laugh because of that adult gesture. “She got that from Emmett,” Rose laughed and looked at her husband. He did the exact same gesture, “don’t know what you are talking about,” he winked. We laughed and Carlisle explained the game to our daughter. Carlie smiled in understanding and then ran away to find the right hiding place.

“Wait, who is searching?” Emmett asked. “You are on,” I laughed and tapped Carlisle’s shoulder. He looked at me surprised and then smirked. “Let’s see if that was the right decision,” he answered mischievously. “Enough with the talking, Carlisle start counting,” Alice said and rolled her eyes in an Edward manner. Carlisle stood against a tree and started counting. I giggled and hid behind one of the further away trees.

Carlisle caught one after the other until it was quiet all of a sudden. I peeked around the trunk, but couldn’t see anyone. I looked back behind the tree and faced Carlisle. I shrieked and then laughed. “Gotcha,” he called and started tickling me. “Okay, okay, you've caught me, now… stop, stop!” I laughed and tried to fend off his tickling. He stopped and instead embraced me.

I kissed him softly and he deepened the kiss. “Shouldn’t you find us, too?” Alice called from some distance. Carlisle sighed and let go apart from my hand. “I will find you first,” he threatened. Carlisle and I had found everyone: Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Rose, Benjamin, Kate.

Wait, where’s Carlie? “Have you found Carlie?” I asked Carlisle. He looked around and then noticed what I had. “No, I haven’t,” he answered a little nervously. We looked around the garden but couldn’t find her. She was nowhere to be found. I started to panic, as did everyone else. “Carlie?” we called again but without a response.

“Are you looking for this little one?” I heard Edward’s voice and I spun around. Edward and Bella stood in the entrance to the garden and Bella held Carlie. “Carlie! Where have you been?” I asked and rushed over to them. She only giggled. “That’s not funny, little missy! Mommy was worried sick,” I told her. “She just walked into our room with a huge grin and wanted to play with us,” Bella explained while laughing. “So, we were boring you?” I asked amused now after she was finally here again. Carlie shook her head and lifted her arms towards me. I took her and cuddled with her. She looked at me sadly from under her lashes. “You are forgiven, sweetie,” I told her and nuzzled her tiny nose. She held my face with her hands and gave me a kiss.

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